Timothy Ross's Posts (522)

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Cannabis HI BUY ESG Evaluation

PEAK Disclosure - click for a view https://improvingfutures.ning.com/blog/peak-dealership-representative-disclosure?context=featured Please always check out the comment section of my blogs, these are located below, there you will find the rest of the story , additonal research and information, please also add your own comments when you can, or find relevant stories, build, learn, share.

Click on the link for the full report from our Responsible Investing Association 


Investing Responsiby Cannabis


"On June 20, 2018, Bill C-45 – The Cannabis Act – was passed,with the expectation that Canadians will be able to legally consume recreational cannabis without criminal penalties by October 17, 2018. 128632023?profile=RESIZE_710x Canadian cannabis stocks surged on the news, with Canopy Growth gaining almost 6% in one day. Year to date,2 Aurora Cannabis Inc. and Canopy Growth Corp. have been the second- and fourth-most active stocks, respectively, on the TSX.3 Over the same period, stock prices for both companies have been volatile — Canopy’s price has ranged from as high as $47.76 to as low as $24.11. All this suggests that investors should exercise caution before jumping onto this bandwagon. But beyond concerns about volatility and returns, should responsible investors climb aboard?


NEI’s ESG Services Team has developed a position on cannabis by examining:

Where cannabis fits under our evaluation process by comparing it to products with some similarities, including tobacco, alcohol and prescription medicine.

The state of the regulatory and market environments.

The environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks that are most material to cannabis companies.


As responsible investors, we seek to generate sustainable value for shareholders and other company stakeholders, as well as for society as a whole. As such, we need to determine whether the cannabis industry has the potential to create sustainable value, which ESG risks are inherent to the industry and whether cannabis companies are adequately positioned to be responsible stewards of their products and services."

There is lots more in the report for consideration, 9 pages of 


Material Risks tht cannabis companies will have to prioritize ESG concerns top of mind

Environmental: Growing cannabis requires optimal conditions of temperature, humidity and light intensity; hence the bulk of cannabis is grown indoors (without natural sunlight) or in greenhouses. Both methods are extremely energy intensive, resulting in potentially large carbon footprints; and water intensive, resulting in environmental and social risk from wastewater discharge and drawing excessive groundwater in water scarce regions. Most cannabis companies that acknowledge ESG risk in their MD&A disclosure focus on environmental and climate change risks, which we view positively. Social: Quality control and product safety are the most significant social risks for cannabis producers. Cannabis has to meet certain quality standards — tested and monitored by Health Canada and the FDA — and must not contain pesticides, heavy metals, fungi or bacteria. Product safety has been under greater public scrutiny since medical cannabis provider Organigram (recently acquired by Canopy Growth) had to recall some of its products because of contamination with a banned pesticide.19 The company faces several class-action lawsuits as a result, after patients reported suffering from severe nausea after daily use of the contaminated product.The nature of the product presents a second significant social risk. The Canadian Medical Association has stressed the need for access to substance abuse and mental health services to be expanded. The federal government has committed $62.5 million to cannabis education programs for youth.22 In addition to federal and provincial contributions, cannabis producers will likely be required to contribute to education and addiction treatment programs, in the way that producers of alcoholic beverages participate in and spearhead programs for alcohol addiction and impaired driving education. Thirdly, cannabis companies state that a positive public perception is crucial to achieving the social licence to operate. We agree and, as such, identify responsible marketing and post marketing co-vigilance policies and practices as another key issue for cannabis producers. Governance: As stated earlier, cannabis companies have experienced unprecedented growth over the last year and, as a result, have found it challenging to scale up their corporate governance controls to keep pace with that growth. As the industry will be heavily scrutinized by regulators and may be prone to criticism from the public, cannabis companies need independent and qualified board oversight to provide accountability to stakeholders, including investors. Proper corporate governance controls can assist in bridging the credibility gap in this new industry.



I came across another commentary that wasn't focusing on the ESG aspects but the "new industry component" from Gaurdian that was recently put out, it's an interesting read ...... https://www.guardiancapital.com/media/61435/gca-q3-2018-commentary.pdf

"By now every reader will likely be aware that Canada is about to legalize the recreational consumption of cannabis in October, becoming one of just a handful of nations to have done so. A level of buzz (pun intended) surrounds the industry, currently with 118 licensed medical cannabis producers, of which several dozen are publicly-traded in Canada. The largest of these have posted spectacular returns, rising between 200% and 500% over the past year alone. One, by virtue of uniquely gaining a NASDAQ listing south of the border during the quarter, rose more than tenfold in its initial two months of trading. At its heights, the company, yet to turn a profit, had a market valuation greater than household Canadian names such as Loblaw, Fortis, Husky Energy and Canadian Tire. To a degree, the euphoria is understandable: it is uncommon to witness the birth of an entirely new industry. There are, however, periodic historical reference points, such as the rise of the automobile at the start of the 1900’s and the dot. com euphoria near the end of that century, and like all other precedents, the legalization of recreational cannabis shows potential. It is also worth revisiting how these prior episodes all played out, with an initial period of excitement that results in sharply rising stock prices, and a growing list of participant companies able to fairly easily attract investors into newly listed shares. Almost invariably, a level of industry overbuilding results, with too much capacity added from this initial group. From there, an interval of re-sorting takes place, as stock prices subside, weaker competitors exit or merge, and a much smaller collection of survivors move forward. For example, in the early 1900’s, during the initial days of transition from horse to car, there were an estimated 2,000 automobile manufacturers in America, but the list had been winnowed to essentially three over the next twenty years. Another example might be, the estimated 90 million miles of fiber-optic cable installed across America during 1999, in anticipation of a coming internet boom. The boom eventually did materialize, but for the first three years, 95% of this network lay “dark” and unused, and the major players backing its installation had ceased to exist. At this point, valuing these recreational cannabis producers requires making some assumptions on end market demand, wholesale pricing, and production costs. Beyond this, factors such as consumption growth, regulatory regime and international factors – both in terms of possible demand, and new competition – must be weighed. Finally, once all of this is considered, a view on valuation is required. Given the list of risks at the current stage, an ample margin for error should be demanded before moving forward with an investment. Simply basing an investment on an optimistic industry view alone can backfire, even picking the eventual winners is no guarantee of short-term profits. Consider those who bought shares in technology hardware company Cisco, commonly considered a provider of the “plumbing of the internet”, in the late 1990’s. These investors were correct in their estimation that the company would go on to prosper from rapidly growing data consumption: company revenues, at just over $12 billion in fiscal 1999, had risen to over $49 billion in the most recent annual set of results. However, a lack of discretion on valuation means these buyers near the peak are still looking to recoup their initial investment, over fifteen years later.

At Guardian, we look to invest in companies with sustainable competitive advantages, strong management teams, and a proven record of superior financial performance. These are necessary ingredients when attempting to value securities for consideration. By definition, this makes it difficult to commit to investments in brand new industries where there is an absence of reference points regarding pricing, costs, end market demand, to say nothing of regulatory constraints. Until these materialize, it is certainly possible that a chosen cohort of stocks continues to levitate, supported by faith and a lack of data to refute speculation. This therefore, is the essential difference: pot stocks – like cars and tech companies – represent a speculative bet rather than an investment. There will be winners and losers in this space; companies that learn how to operate publicly, stay onside with regulations, balance growth and stability, will be the winners. Which constituents of this new subset of healthcare companies will operate profitably and sustainably is unknown today. We want our clients investments to go up, just not “Up in Smoke”. 

Reading all this, I know a few people who have done very well speculating on their own in our community, so far. It reminds me of this song from Rascal Flatt's , it could be a two edged sword, out too late or staying too long. Courting pot stocks has a lot of ..... these days  


For here are some neat highlights that this charting company puts out that maybe of interest. ​ ​ http://www.visualcapitalist.com/medical-marijuana-in-canada/http://www.visualcapitalist.com/california-cannabis-golden-opportunity-unique-challenges/http://www.visualcapitalist.com/story-of-cannabis-investors/http://www.visualcapitalist.com/green-rush-cannabis-legalization-will-impact-california/http://www.visualcapitalist.com/9-things-cannabis-investors-should-know/ ​ ​ ​ ​Happy Reading Tim Ross, Family Advisor ® Family Office providing Omega Stewardship ® Www.BrockShoresFinancial.ca 613-345-0016 Office 613-213-4625 Cell/Text advisor@timothyross.com ​ Helping Families Achieve ...Life’s Major Goals ® ​ OMEGA STEWARDSHIP ® * One Stop Process Driven Approach for Retirement & Income Planning * Personalized Tax Management Solutions for Individuals & Business Owners * Confidential Wealth Management Solutions ​ Mutual Funds through Professional Investments ​ Brock Shores Financial #ImprovingFutures ​ ​
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Marriage thoughts at Rotary Joke time

Got a copy of these tonight in my meeting notes from last weeks meeting. During our Rotary meeting, we have a joke master and Don DeGroot provided these for our enjoyment. 

The love of my life made me puff ball bread sticks tonight and a smoothie, that’s pretty good for a 9 pm snack on a Sunday night!


Answers to questions about Love and Marriage from six to ten year olds 

"You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming."
- Alan, age 10 ....... {Smart Guy}
"No person really decides before they grow up who they're going to marry. God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you're stuck with."
- Kirsten, age 10

"Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by then."
- Camille, age 10
"No age is good to get married at.  You got to be a fool to get married."
 Freddie, age 6 ......... {Even Smarter Guy}

"Married people usually look happy to talk to other people."
- Eddie, age 6
"You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at the same kids."
- Derrick, age 8

"Both don't want no more kids."
- Lori, age 8

"Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know each other.  Even boys have something to say if you listen long enough."
- Lynnette, age 8
"On the first date, they just tell each other lies, and that usually gets them interested enough to go for a second date."
- Martin, age 10

"When they're rich."
- Pam, age 7 ............ {Girls Sure Start Early}
"The law says you have to be eighteen, so I wouldn't want to mess with  that."
- Curt, age 7

"It's better for girls to be single, but not for boys. Boys need someone to clean up after them."
- Anita, age 9 .................. { A Lot Of Truth Here}
"Single is better, for the simple reason that I wouldn't want to change no diapers.  Of course, if I did get married, I'd just phone my mother and have her come over for some coffee and diaper-changing."
- Kirsten, age 10

"There sure would be a lot of kids to explain, wouldn't there?"
 - Kelvin, age 8

"Tell your wife that she looks pretty even if she looks like a dump truck."
- Ricky, age 10 ............... {Huh?}
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Harvest for Food Banks

Yesterday was a full day. I was in the field shortly after 8 getting setup. Robert Dentz and Bill lifted some more rows, they had done a number the afternoon before. People started driving in after 9. We were out of the field by 5. I headed to Prescott Food For All Food Bank with Megan with our final load, came back, cleared the field of pails and hauled the second trailer back for unloading of the pails tomorrow wrapped up just after 7, will get them back into storage and be ready for the next adventure tomorrow. We gathered over 18,000 pounds of potatoes and squash for local food banks and feeding organizations in our community of Brockville and Prescott. There had to be over 50 volunters assist throughout the day, maybe more.

Greg Houldcroft , Executive Director of Cross Town Impact stepped up another year to help get the word out and inspire youth and families to journey to the fields. This event started over 9 years ago when I coordinated with Highway Pentecostal Church to help glean the fields, that would put it around 2010.

Looking back at some old notes , we often stretched this into the colder months

 From: advisor@timothyross.com
Sent: Monday, December 2, 2013 3:08 PM
To: Leigh Bursey  Cc: Rodger McCabe  Subject: Re: ummmm.
Hi Rodger and Leigh, I did a site inspection this afternoon and met with the Dents, there is not enough left to make it viable to do anymore harvesting, what is left will remain for personal consumption and perhaps some secret weapon chips :) Interesting the Kale that is still left is in good shape considering the recent weather, very impressive cole crop.
Thanks for your help and interest, Together We Did Some Great Good, thanks again . Over 4 Thousand Tons of food. Tim
Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.
From: advisor@timothyross.com
Sent: Monday, December 2, 2013 4:41 AM
To: Leigh Bursey  Cc: Rodger McCabe Subject: Re: ummmm. 

That year Leigh had a car accident on the Sunday before this email. I missed seeing Leigh this year, however he was out for a bit in the morning and picked a few pails that added to the effort.

We had a beautiful day and were blessed with a great day and effort. The passing of the rain clouds was huge answer to prayer, early that morning it did rain a bit, fortunately not enough to stop the process. It had been wet leading up to the harvest, Thursday morning it ws hopeful that things would turn around as we would not be able to get on the fields on Saturday if it did not. Fortunatly Thursday and Friday the wind picked up and the sun came out to help allow the fields to get dryed out enough so Robert could dig the potatoes and then the volunteers pick and bag them .

There is lots of pictures on facebook, this link should take you there.


Greg has album at


There is also some video 



Event Page yr 2018


Event Page Year 2017


Event Year 2016




Event Year 2015






Event Year 2014



Event Year 2013






We don't always get potatoes, in 2011 there was none. 

reviewed with Iris next weekend, for church harvest , Sat Oct 29
​- need shovel's, pitch forks, knives for processing
​carrot's, beets, cabbage, squash

Hotlist Task Created: Phone Call, no potatoes this yr. but other stuff
With: Dentz, Robert & Iris
Scheduled by: Tim Ross  Assigned to: Tim Ross  October 17, 2011

I believe I started this back in  2009 so we have about 10 years of harvesting under our belt at this point. I say about as over time our memories float around the beginning , going to search my archieves and confirm at some point :) 

In the year 2013 I wrote 

Year2014 - Tentative Date Set , Year 5 , it will be an all day event, come and go as you please. Rodger and I have worked the full day almost every time in the past , so it really needs a full day's effort and depending on the produce availability a few extra visits may be required to get it all gleaned.
There was about 5000 pounds of potatoes that we were unable to glean, plus beets , kale, squash , tons of stuff that we just didn't have the people power to glean. Hopefully next year with a greater outreach of volunteers, and expanded time line, that can all change, many hands make for light work.


so that is looking like year 2010 start harvest, the planning seed began in 2009 from a conversation I had with the Dents's that fall. 

So, looking like year Year 10 will be 2019, and for fun, lt's set a tenative date  Sturday October 12, 2019 with a rain date oct 19






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Last night there was a risk of frost, and it looks like at least another week of good “warmer” weather ahead with no risk of frost. So I went about the gardens and made provisions for the impending chill that would end the tomatoes, peppers and late squash from sudden destruction, I was Not concerned about the Kale, peas, garlic, potatoes ( we had already harvested them) onions, beets, lettuce ( newly planted) and the turnips. I forgot about the eggplant. While out and about we found some puff balls in various stages of development, I have been waiting for this kind of weather we’re these delectable fungus thrive, that was the big opportunity I waited patiently for. I had found two huge decayed puff balls in the meadow, one last fall and one this summer when I was sycthing. Opportunities, I knew they would return, just their nature. This morning I started cutting the puff balls up, the first one I was concerned That perhaps it was too old, one slice and the evidence clearly showed I was too late to be fit from that opportunity, but the next one I cut was ready and into the frying pan it went with a little coconut oil to get it crackling and my it turned out delicious. I put the other two big Balkan in the fridge and am planning on eating them and thinkin who might like to share a slice or two with. I offered a piece to our friend Anthony and he declined, wasn’t husband cup of tea, which surprised me as he was quite knowledgeable about the fungus world. I wrote this little commentary for two purposes, firstly to see who would like a slice of the opportunity, to try it, I know it’s good food and rare. Second to bring up an analogy that opportunities like this happen in our investment business every once in awhile, markets crash, decline and great investment opportunity is presented. I am getting the warning signs, and I am preparing for the call, the moment that you can pick in great abundance, with delightful extra profit. Doesn’t always happen, there was no frost this morning, it did get cold, was prepared, we did find some good stuff while preparing and I feel pretty good about the whole exercise, that’s kinda like planning and reviewing your plans when we are meeting discussing the future, are we on track, can we weather the frost, I get the idea, hopefully you get a little insight as well, as Mike says, the excersizes are necessary hard or spelled right, it’s a lot of mind over the matter. Sometimes you have to  Feel the pain, to get the gain, control your breathing, but breathe properly, do the exercise properly and enjoy the long term benefits and in the process correct long term problems that we gather through out our lives. 

I could go on :)   In the meantime 

So who wants a slice ? 





No frost today

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Starting Right Financial Advice

Basics We All Can Achieve




Ray Dalio has some great tips on what one should do, the title says Millennials, however this is a message many should aspire to. 

So no matter where you are in life, reset, restart, contact our team and get a review and clarity for your financial plans. Let’s put some action into #ImprovingFutures 


Timothy Ross

Founder, Brock Shores Financial




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Negative Overload - It Can Happen

A cloudy day is no match for a sunny disposition. William Arthur Ward

I seen a post on one of my friends feeds just now.  It reminds me of how I feel sometimes, there is a number of changes happening in our current economic and political landscape and doesn't seem to matter what you post , there is most often negative response.


This quote from Rana C pretty well sums it up

" We live in especially pessimistic times. We’re pessimistic about the environment, pessimistic about America, pessimistic about the government and education.

The resulting stew of negativity makes me worry that the future

Fortunately, research suggests things we can do help

Pay more attention to the positive, and help others do the same....
There’s one problem with the pessimist’s perspective: it’s wrong.

That negative dystopian soup is an illusion, the result of an unfortunate collision between a 24/7 news cycle and the brain’s tendency to hone in on any possible danger and ignore everything else. Overall, things on planet Earth are pretty good — or at least, in many ways, they’ve never been better. No country in the world has a lower life expectancy now than the countries with the highest life expectancies in 1800. More people around the world believe in gender equality than ever before, and more value religious freedom. Poverty, malnutrition, illiteracy, child labor and infant mortality are all on the decline.

Stay out of the negatives "

Another friend of his reminds us of my mentor Nick's quote

"Optimism is the only realism. It's the only worldview which squares with the facts, and with the historical record." — Nick Murray, Simple Wealth


And to start it all off thismorning my word for the day was rather depressing, yet it is there.



1 often capitalized Weltschmerz : mental depression or apathy caused by comparison of the actual state of the world with an ideal state

2 often capitalized Weltschmerz : a mood of sentimental sadness

Did You Know?

The word weltschmerz initially came into being as a by-product of the European Romanticism movement of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. A combining of the German words for "world" (Welt) and "pain" (Schmerz), weltschmerz aptly captures the melancholy and pessimism that often characterized the artistic expressions of the era. The term was used in German by the Romantic author Jean Paul (pseudonym of Johann Paul Friedrich Richter) in his 1827 novel Selina, but it wasn't adopted into English until the middle of the 19th century.


I had never heard of this word before, I wonder what tomorrow's word brings us.



Let the light in


Have a blessed day!

Timothy Ross


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Inspirational Tipping Point

My notes from IFB Ottawa Ccnference  last month that I attended as part of our professional development . 

An  encouraging session 

  • Tim


Simon Reilly, Leading Advisor

You can go out there and add value.

Cicero and Damenthosis, speech, let’s March

Get the why right or you will just do

We have a vocation not a job,  a vocation has it in your soul, the why you do it !

Passion and pulls you forward

Get rid of fear !

Inspire from deep within

We all have values inherent within you, tie values and inspiration together

If your acting tired, burn out, overwhelmed, no time, why would clients want to work with you, they will feel that from you

Feel you have time and money, make is

Wake up to gain additional understanding

We have to take responsibility, if it is going to be it’s up to me

Being, your soul

Bob Dylan , back seat driving quote Time magazine

Control I need to do it myself, need of approval and recognition, thoughts are a wheel of fortune, pick up the vibe , and they disempower themselves , and they start making mistakes , they will last 6 months if your lucky

We get distracted from making a difference by all the baggage we carry

Front seat driver or back seat driver

People walk through their days unconsciously

The emotions and belief systems get in the way

Leading Advisor , testimony from Robert Clark,   Millennium, extremely bright ,

We can’t superimposing judgements on them

Missy Pursley, became the leader as she got strong vision

He works for a short period of time, you don’t need a paid friend

Don’t need to be driven by the back seat driver, doesn’t need to be that way

We need to seize the day and see the people

Understand and discover how to get your needs met

People are getting overwhelmed with the decision processing

Work out business puzzles and solve them

Create the family office

Free book, presentation they did

97$ to get started , after evaluation to start,

Get changed at a cellular level, help get past hang ups that I have

So you don’t have to prove to much, just explain how it will happen

What ever you resist persists

What is out needs DNA ?

What is the story behind it? Step 1, Step 2

Work through the emotions and belief

Develop your conviction  

Your greater than your body, your mind ,!its your soul

We can provide extraordinary value to our clients

Say Yes

Good presentation, positive ideas , perhaps could benefit from this coaching going forward

Ted Talk Link


Thank you
Tim Ross, Family Advisor ®
Family Office providing Omega Stewardship ®
613-345-0016 Office
613-213-4625 Cell/Text  advisor@timothyross.com

Helping Families Achieve ...Life’s Major Goals ®

* One Stop Process Driven Approach for Retirement & Income Planning
* Personalized Tax Management Solutions for Individuals & Business Owners
* Confidential Wealth Management Solutions

Mutual Funds through Professional Investments

Brock Shores Financial


Thousands of years ago, the story of Let's March was born. Two of the greatest public speakers of all time were Cicero and Demosthenes. Cicero was the greatest speaker in Rome; Demosthenes was the greatest speaker in Athens. After every time Cicero gave a speech, the audience would give him a standing ovation, wildly applaud, and say, "Wow, what an incredible speech." When Demosthenes was done speaking, the people would say, "Let's March."





Bob Dylan Interview -Time

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Leonard Cohen - Flame

Article - Romance, regrets and notebooks in the freezer: Leonard Cohen’s son on his father’s final poems


Enjoyable article , I remember how the kids grand father would talk the time he met Leonard Cohen in Montreal. Memories, he lived his music and it got  his spirit moving. I rather like many of Cohen’s songs, not realizing the poetic side of him. Reflecting know, it makes perfect sense. Maybe I should revisit my own poem book. 

Was he, in the end, a musician or a poet? A grave philosopher or a grim sort of comedian? A cosmopolitan lady’s man or a profound, ascetic seeker? Jew or Buddhist? Hedonist or hermit? Across his 82 years, the Montreal-born Leonard Cohen was all of these things – and in his posthumous book of poetry, given the Lawrentian title The Flame by his son Adam, all sides of the man are present.”


Will have to get this book for the library and glean some inspiration from it. Maybe I get two and send a copy to Maurice for his enjoyment. 

Timothy Ross


“He’d call himself slow. He’d write poems about how Leonard Cohen was a lazy bastard living in a suit”

Adam Cohen

Happens to the Heart

I was always working steady
But I never called it art
I was funding my depression
Meeting Jesus reading Marx
Sure it failed my little fire
But it’s bright the dying spark
Go tell the young messiah
What happens to the heart

There’s a mist of summer kisses
Where I tried to double-park
The rivalry was vicious
And the women were in charge
It was nothing, it was business
But it left an ugly mark
So I’ve come here to revisit
What happens to the heart

I was selling holy trinkets
I was dressing kind of sharp
Had a pussy in the kitchen
And a panther in the yard
In the prison of the gifted
I was friendly with the guard
So I never had to witness
What happens to the heart

I should have seen it coming
You could say I wrote the chart
Just to look at her was trouble
It was trouble from the start
Sure we played a stunning couple
But I never liked the part
It ain’t pretty, it ain’t subtle
What happens to the heart

Now the angel’s got a fiddle
And the devil’s got a harp
Every soul is like a minnow
Every mind is like a shark
I’ve opened every window
But the house, the house is dark
Just say Uncle, then it’s simple
What happens to the heart

I was always working steady
But I never called it art
The slaves were there already
The singers chained and charred
Now the arc of justice bending
And the injured soon to march
I lost my job defending
What happens to the heart

I studied with this beggar
He was filthy he was scarred
By the claws of many women
He had failed to disregard
No fable here no lesson
No singing meadowlark
Just a filthy beggar blessing
What happens to the heart

I was always working steady
But I never called it art
I could lift, but nothing heavy
Almost lost my union card
I was handy with a rifle
My father’s .303
We fought for something final
Not the right to disagree

Sure it failed my little fire
But it’s bright the dying spark
Go tell the young messiah
What happens to the heart

June 24, 2016

Flying Over Iceland

over Reykjavik, the “smokey bay” 
where W.H. Auden went
to discover the background
of all our songs,
where I myself was received
by the Mayor and the President
(600 miles an hour
30,000 feet
599 miles an hour
my old street number on Belmont Ave) 
where I, a second-rater
by any estimation,
was honoured by the noblest
and handsomest people of the West 
served with lobster
and strong drink,
and I never cared about eyes
but the eyes of the waitress
were so alarmingly mauve
that I fell into a trance
and ate the forbidden shellfish

I Pray for Courage

I pray for courage
Now I’m old
To greet the sickness
And the cold

I pray for courage
In the night
To bear the burden
Make it light

I pray for courage
In the time
When suffering comes and
Starts to climb

I pray for courage
At the end
To see death coming
As a friend

The Flame is published by Canongate on 2 October.

Hallelujah- Leonard Cohen London


Order Book



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FSCO update Insurance Regulations




Reviewed the guidebook today. Fairly good common sense, communication. Take care of clients needs. Due diligence and go the second mile to ensure clients understand what they have and what their options are. 


Click on the link above for the full guidance report. 


A couple things I would like our firm to get better at is letting clients know the broad range of products we have available. Travel insurance, health benefits and hospitalization insurance come to mind. 

Tim Ross, Founder Brock Shores Financial



 My license link

Licence Confirm

Check others 

Confirm other agents

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Use That Breath

Take a breath and Use That Breath 


A simple first step to become a better listener? Breathing. Many of us can’t help ourselves but jump into a conversation, offering our pearls of wisdom to anyone willing to listen. Psychologist Kenneth Miller says we should take a breather instead. When we breathe before speaking, we give others room to reflect on what they have been saying. It’s an act of generosity. That extra breath also gives us time to think of insightful questions that might truly help the people we are speaking with. •”



Proper breathing is an obvious next step. I have been working this the last month with my ARP Practionair as we work through my shoulder pain. Remapping years of miss use and bad posture. The pain is leaving and I can do more movements and feel almost normal and stronger and healthier now. Every exercise requires the proper breathing technique otherwise it is simply more difficult and not as effective, without the breathing done right I can often not complete the activity or make progress.  Mike has taught us big belly breathing. Expanding our belly to create capacity for inhaling and exhaling through our nose. Four in with belly expanding, pause, Eight count out with belly contracting, pause, repeat. This simple yet sometimes difficult to achieve method helps to oxygenate and expand our breathing capicty.  It helps work through the pain and exhaustion and helps the mind think better. Litany of other benefits I am sure. 


I am up to two sets of our regime and had a person best of a 60 second hang yesterday. Small steps make a profound difference. Remember to breath properly. Stand properly, feet straight ahead , turn those toes so you are properly aligned , keep your head up , eyes forward, arms by your side and of course smile. 


The note above reminds us of the of the importance of breathing. It’s free and has huge benefits.  




“Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord.
Praise ye the Lord.” Psalm 150:6


Just Breathe and just be



Breathe by Johnny Diaz

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Doing More Good

Received this email this morning and as normal it gets me thinking, what are we doing at Brock Shores Financial ? How are we #ImprovingFutures  ? How are our actions lining up with our Vision, Mission and Core Values ? 

One thing that we do is research and become aware of the issues and work towards putting sustainable practices in our business and life. A great resource for me has been my membership in  RIA  Responsible Investment Association https://www.riacanada.ca/timothy-ross/

I would love to read what you are doing to make a difference in your life, home, community, please join our online community and share your reflections in the comment section , your Utmost For Your Highest

In the meantime, let's read what Coro Stranberg has to say about the matter. 

Have a blessed day

Timothy Ross, Founder Brock Shores Financial

#Improving Futures


Coro Strandberg works with businesses, government and industry associations to envision and innovate a sustainable future. She is an expert on sustainability leadership and transformational business practices and relationships.

"Sustainability is no longer about doing less harm. It's about doing more good."

Jochen Zeitz (Co-founder and co-chair of the B Team and past CEO of PUMA)

I’ve been thinking about the word “good” and how it shows up in our language in countless idioms: For goodness sake. All to the good. Good and ready. Goodwill. For good reason. Good company. And so on. In my work, good – when turned into action – means sustainable businesses that change everything for the better.

Growing global resource constraints – coupled with changing customer, investor, and government expectations – will drive companies to change the way they do business. In this newsletter, I bring you up-to-date on sustainability tools, trends, tips and trailblazers that can help you and your organization become a force for social good. Whether your organization needs a kickstart or it’s leading the way with transformational business practices, you’ll find lots of good news here.

2018 is trending as the watershed year when boards began to actively improve their oversight of the company’s social and environmental performance. Regardless of whether the impetus was scandals, investors, social movements, employees or consumers, more and more boards are taking their fiduciary responsibilities in this area seriously. Fortunately, there is considerable guidance in this new governance practice.

This spring I started teaching the Sustainable Board module for the new Governance Professionals of Canada certification program. The course provides a practical look at board sustainability oversight for governance professionals who advise boards and management on sustainability governance. This will equip corporate directors and executives with greater insight on how to steward the sustainable performance of the firm. Corporate governance leaders also have a sustainable board roadmap in a recently published white paper I authored on the topic for Conference Board of Canada. It's an update on the trends and drivers of sustainability governance that have emerged since the first paper I wrote on the subject in 2008, and provides a sustainability toolkit for boards and those who advise them. Check it out and share these resources with the boards and governance professionals you know.

Business Models for Good

Boards for Good are responsible for ensuring their business has a core social purpose as its engine for growth and goodwill. Businesses are defining and articulating their humanitarian reason for being. The United Way of the Lower Mainland is a leader in this global trend and in so doing, pivoting its corporate donor relationships. This spring I helped the United Way launch its Social Purpose Institute, growing business for good in Greater Vancouver and beyond. Uniquely, the Institute’s vision is to partner with cities, boards of trade and others to raise awareness of this business opportunity and build the regional capacity for social purpose business. In this way, business will bring all its assets, not simply its donations to community good.

Leveraging University Assets for Good

This trend towards leveraging assets for good is taking off in the public sector, too. To advance the widely acclaimed white paper I wrote for McConnell Foundation and SFU on "Maximizing the Capacities of Advanced Education Institutions to Build Social Infrastructure for Canadian Communities" published in 2017, I have been helping the McConnell Foundation and the Canadian Association of University Business Officers (CAUBO) scale social purpose administration and finance among administrative departments at Canadian universities and colleges, info here. The basic premise is that public institutions can bring all their assets and instruments (in addition to teaching and research) to advance societal well-being by applying a social, environmental, community or stakeholder lens to decision-making, budgets and projects. University administrators are finding new purpose and meaning in their jobs from this shift. According to one front line university staff member: "This [social purpose administration] is a new way of working. As administrators who spend our careers in our institution, we can see a tie to our organization. It is also tied to the place where you live. It is another use of your job. It gives me meaning in my day."

Professionals for Good

Not only are governance professionals and university administrators social-purposing their jobs, so too are other professionals looking to build more social value into everyday roles. Since the launch of the Sustainable Professional Association Initiative with The Natural Step, I have had the pleasure of advising associations representing human resources and governance professionals. Current work involves a project for the Real Estate Foundation of BC to define a professional development pathway to build sustainability expertise among realtors. Watch this space for the research paper in early 2019.

This work has me thinking about the "Purposeful Professional": I believe that purpose-driven companies and organizations are creating room for professionals to hone their personal purpose and bring it to work.

Products for Good

Organizations-for-good offer products-for-good. While not easy to go the distance, it can be done as described in this Conference Board of Canada resource I wrote on the topic. Notably, leaders like Marks and Spencer, BASF and LafargeHolcim are setting ambitious targets to reposition their product portfolios in alignment with a sustainable future. This Sustainable Brands article profiles these opportunities. For more detailed guidance, check out the Conference Board paper.

Advocacy for Good

Having a business model, professionals and products for good doesn’t guarantee a sustainable future. We also need government leadership to re-engineer policy, legislation and regulation so that fair, inclusive, low-carbon and circular growth can be enabled. Fortunately, more and more businesses are engaging in the public policy debate, as for-good advocates. This GreenBiz article unpacks this trend and drivers, while this tool offers an "advocacy for good" continuum, from oppositional to transformational practices. Check it out to see where your organization lies. Then engage your government and industry relations teams in how they can bring purpose and meaning to their jobs through a proactive sustainable public policy agenda.

That’s the goods for this newsletter. I always appreciate hearing from my readers. Don't hesitate to contact me for questions, clarifications or additional resources. Thanks for reading. Goodbye for now!


Good for you


Corporate Sustainability Practitioners: Roles have changed, has your job description?

November 15, 2018 at 11:00 am PT / 2:00 PM EDT
This one-hour, low-cost webinar will discuss how the corporate responsibility practitioner role is becoming more strategic, enterprise-wide, and external. You’ll pick up insights on how the jobs, roles, and departments of CSR and sustainability practitioners are adjusting to meet the new imperatives. More information.

GreenBiz 2019

Phoenix Arizona, Feb. 26 – 28, 2019
I hope to see you at GreenBiz 2019, the Premier Annual Event for Sustainable Business Leaders. I will be moderating a session on "What every sustainability professional should know about board sustainability governance," with investors, corporate directors and sustainability professionals represented on the business panel. You’re guaranteed a thought-provoking and practical session. More information.


A picture is worth a thousand words, video's will multiple that , check out her Webinar Library


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