"If you haven't the willpower to keep your physical body in repair, you also lack the power of will to maintain a positive mental attitude in other important circumstances that control your…"
"It isn't defeat, but rather your mental attitude toward it, that whips you.------------------------------------------------------------There are many things in life that you cannot control, but you can always control your attitude toward them.…"
Individuals with positive mental attitudes are never found in a rut.---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Individuals with a positive attitude are those who somehow always manage to find something new and…
"I was asked to provide todays "opening words". So I began my search in the Rotary Magazine that arrived at my office yesterday. Some fine reflections within its cover, The Magic of Rotary and the profound impact we create when we come together with…"
"Success is learning from others, this is a good little exchange that I am going to add here as a reminder of this memory today, may have to circle back here someday. TLR
Rana Chauhan
My credibility is not reduced because I quote someone's…"