brock shores (9)

Employment Impact TRA-BSF since 1988

Going through the payroll process this season, I was able to reflect on those lives that we have had an impact on our payroll, for fun I started remembering everyone and expanded the list to include other relevant parties. Over time people change, companies change, life accumulates. ~ TLR

 Employee's & SubContractors  39 since 1988

Tammy, Heather, Megan, Michael, Katina, April, Adonica, Leigh, Mikayla ,Dean, Rebecca, Tina, Melanie, Sue, Cassandra, Cody, Andrew, Rodger, Neil, Brandon ,Leonard, Charly, Lisa, Stepheny, Tim, Peter, Mike, Don, Isaiah, Stan, Bob, Geo, Ron, Natasha, Douglas, Luke, Derek, Alex, Wayne, Brenda

Investment Dealers

Professional Investments, Peak Investment Services

Insurance Dealers

Professional Insurance, Cartier Partners, Financial Horizons

Insurance Companies

Ivari(Transamerica) Manulife (Commercial Union), Empire Life, Canada Protection Plan (Forestors), Canada Life, Equitable Life, Standard Life, Travellers, Best Doctors, RBC

Branch Offices

Professional Investments Belleville, Brockville,  Nav Group Trenton

Investment Companies

Invesco ( Trimark, AIM), NEI ( North West, Oceanrock, Meritas ), CI, Tempelton, Vengrowth, Covington, Tricycle, Standard Life, AIC, Manulife, Sprott, Mackenzie, RBC, Dynamic, Criterion, Medical Discovery, Bridgehouse, Empire Life, ING, Fidelity, Growth Works, AGF, Mineral Fields, Sprott, O'Leary, Elliott & Page, Gaurdian, First Ontario, Clarington, Triax, Talvest

Tax Collection Agencies, Canada Revenue Agency, Her Majesty The Queen as Represented by the Minister of National Revenue,  Uncle Sam for the United States of America 

Regulatory Bodies


Professional & Community Organizations



Reflecting on all of this, I am reminded of the beauty of business quote that I penned many years ago. I will post that below these guiding principals.

 4-H teaches us to, "Learn To Do By Doing", with your Head, Heart, Health, and Hands


The Mountain teaches and demands  "One Step At A Time"


Business embraced "Where Client Goals Become Our Goals"


Investments reminds us to be the "Guardians of Your Family's Wealth"


Nick Murray taught and reminded us of the Mission, "Helping Families Achieve Major Goals" , the rest is commentary


Our Vision was to provide "Omega Stewardship" , the People and our Core Values made that possible


Business evolved into "The Family Office"


Brock Shores Financial focused us on "Improving Futures"


Covid reminded us "Your Advisor Cares"


Timothy L. Ross, Family Advisor, since 1988, CEO, Founder Brock Shores Financial , Timothy Ross & Associates

Chief Weekend Warrior for every other crazy thing I do!

 "The beauty of being in business is that your business engages all aspects of your mind, I think that is why you become successful, business challenges you to be more than you are, and that is where the miracle takes place." Timothy Ross, May 2004

I like Winston Churchill, he had the incredible ability to move the English language into action. My mentor Jim Rohn, say's , "Don't be afraid to borrow if someone else has said it well. Winston Churchill said, "The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it and ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is." That's so well said. You could stay up all night and not think of that. "


In case your compliance cruising, full stop, see, read, digest disclosure


Member of the Ship's Company , Bytowne Brigantine's Tall Ship Sail Training Program Adventures


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Using Art For Peace

Creating peace through art
Rotary member and former Rotaractor Yesenia Uribe is promoting peace in a creative way. After participating in a Positive Peace workshop through Rotary’s partnership with the Institute for Economics and Peace, she began painting peace murals in her community of Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. Uribe worked with her fellow Rotaractors and community members to reclaim abandoned or vandalized public spaces. Using peace-related messages, they sought to transform them into safe environments where people can connect through art.

Your gift to The Rotary Foundation helps projects like this build peace in communities around the world. Celebrate the International Day of Peace on 21 September by donating today.


Here is the link !


Now the rest of the story .....

I came across this article promoting art as a way to promote peace.  W have lots of artists in our area and we have had the priveage to help them over the years.  Some current projects that come to mind is the new art supply store on King Street in the former Home Hardware Store that Mr. Billings ran for decades.


Medium Effort

me·di·um   \ ˈmē-dē-əm

a mode of artistic expression or communication 

ef·​fort   \ ˈe-fərt

a conscious exertion of power 



Then there is the Art program for kids that Stacy and her friend started, greta association with Cross Town Impact



You have to get a piece from Terry Shaub, this man carves just wow stuff out of stone. I invested in a beautiful carved rose for valentines a couple years ago, very peaceful


Seen fellow Dream Mountains Foundation  climber Jann Smith at the Brockville Farmers market yesterday and she is with a group of pottery ladies and they had a wonderful display. I picked up a berry wash strainer bowl, looking forward to using that in our summer kitchen.


And I can not forget Joanne Raven,  "Raven Expressions", they have some beautiful, aweinspiring coasters and display boards that are incredible.  Fraser was maning the booth at the market yesterday , I may have some pictures that I can add in later.  

Raven Expressions 

Owners: Joanne Raven
Telephone: 613 213 3729

Products: Unique hand painted tiles of vibrant colours to be used for coasters, trivets, trays, art and charcuterie boards.





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Labour Day Reads

Found some good emails for Labour Day reflections 


as we wind down from the Tall Ships Festival along Brock Shores and year the pitter patter of the rain fall on the tin roof, relaxing and coffee drinking thinking away. Enjoy , hope the links work 


Tim Ross




By Tim Herrera    

from the New York Times email went to me today 

If you’re fortunate enough to have Labor Day off from work, the most important thing on your to-do list today is to actually take the day off. Studies have shown that people send only 40 percent less emailon holiday Mondays compared with regular Mondays. (Thank you, smartphones and tablets.) Not only that, but taking time to let your brain rest and recover “literally makes us more creative, better at problem-solving, better at coming up with creative ideas.”

So, great, we’re all out of work mode and ready to enjoy the day. But what to do? Here are a few suggestions on how best to spend your day off.

Yes, yes, you’re busy, I’m busy, we’re busy-ing ourselves to exhaustion. But if you have today off, take a conscious stand against all this busyness. Being busy — if we even are busy — is rarely the status indicator we’ve come to believe it is. Nonetheless, the impact is real, and instances of burnout, anxiety disorders and stress-related diseases are on the rise. Read more »

What does holding onto grudges really get us, aside from amusing anecdotes at parties? And what could we gain from giving them up? As it turns out, quite a lot: A 2006 study suggested that “skills-based forgiveness training may prove effective in reducing anger as a coping style, reducing perceived stress and physical health symptoms, and thereby may help reduce” the stress we put on our immune and cardiovascular systems. So, you know, maybe it’s worth it. Read more »


Vacation Devotion 

“We beseech you, brethren, that ye increase more and more; And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you; that ye may walk honestly toward them that are without, and that ye may have lack of nothing.” (1 Thessalonians 4:10-12)

On Labor Day, we traditionally take time to recognize the great workforce here in America. From factories to restaurants, from typing pools to machine shops, from schoolrooms to gas stations, laborers help make the economy run, and on this day America honors its workforce.

The Bible likewise frequently commends those who work. For example: “Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labor, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth” (Ephesians 4:28).

Several of the words in our text are significant. The verbs “increase . . . study . . . be . . . do . . . work . . . walk . . . lack” are all in the tense implying a habit, or lifestyle. We are thus commended to have a mindset of work, not laziness or expecting others to do for us what we can do for ourselves.

The word “honestly” elsewhere is translated “decently” or “properly” and is emphasized in the Greek. There is a proper way to walk.

Perhaps Paul was referring to his own example: “For ye remember, brethren, our labor and travail: for labouring night and day, because we would not be chargeable unto any of you” (1 Thessalonians 2:9).

Note that an admonition to continue in “brotherly love” (v. 9) is the context of our text. For one who refuses to work and becomes a burden to society exhibits a lack of brotherly love and is a reproach to the community of Christ.

Laborers are honored in Scripture, and so is labor. JDM


Today is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers1.  This great nation was build by it's workers.  We are a nation of builders, a nation of doers.  And that is cause for celebration!
"He who works with his hands is a laborer.
He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman.
He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist."
~ Francis of Assisi ~
Can’t handle the day off, apparently, Staples is celebrating by being open, that is so kind of them !
and from the folks at Hustle, some school phone info ....


My Ambassador link


If you made it this far, here is a little reflection from The rock star Alice Cooper that I discovered this weekend and a closing video that will be most appropriate at the end of the school cycle next year when schools out !


God, Drugs, and Rock n Roll , Alice Cooper interview



Schools Out ! Alice Cooper



Timothy Ross

Mutual Fund Representative through PEAK Investment Services Inc.

CEO , Brock Shores Financial

This transmission is intended solely for the individual or entity to whom it is addressed and is confidential in nature.  Please be advised that any distribution, reproduction or other use of this document by anyone other than the addressee is strictly prohibited.  If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately.  Thank you for your assistance


Brock Shores Financial / Timothy Ross & Associates


Family Office Providing Omega Stewardship

4502 Airport Road – Tincap, GTA Professional Center

Elizabethtown, Ontario K6T 1A2

613-345-0016 Office   613-213-4625 Cell/Text    613-345-5231 Fax  

Executive Assistant: Heather Kiley


Mission - Vision – Core Values 


“Serving our clients and community since 1988”



* One Stop Process Driven Approach for Retirement & Income Planning

* Personalized Tax Management Solutions for Individuals & Business Owners

* Confidential Wealth Management Solutions



Helping Families Achieve ... Life's Major Goals

  1. Tax Smart Planning & Investing               
  2. Worry Free Retirement               
  3. Education of Our Children & Grandchildren               
  4. Quality Care for Our Parents               
  5. Meaningful Financial Help for Our Loved Ones               
  6. Meaningful Legacy


Member of Advocis, The Financial Advisors Association of Canada

Member of IFB,  Independent Financial Brokers of Canada

Member of RIA, Responsible Investment Association

Member of the Rotary Club of 1000 Islands, Paul Harris Fellow


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ESG - SRI August Reflections


Came across this article in my email box this morning


"Sustainable investing is often misunderstood. Many investors think a sustainable agenda limits a portfolio to a narrow piece of the market. In fact, plenty of stocks can help investors create social benefits while generating strong returns—if you know how to find them."


and I was reminded why I like them ESG and SRI in our client portfolio's .


ESG = Envirnomental , Social,  Goverence

SRI = Socially Responsible Investments

What is Responsible Investment?

Responsible investment (RI) refers to the incorporation of environmental, social and governance factors (ESG) into the selection and management of investments.

RI has boomed in recent years as investors have recognized the opportunity for better risk-adjusted returns, while at the same time, contributing to important social and environmental issues.


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Christmas & New Years Office Hours 2018-2019

Our office at Brock Shores Financial located  in Tincap, will be closed starting Thursday  Dec 20th 2018, reopening Monday Jan 7th, 2019.

Some of the team may be stopping in from time to time during the holidays as we prepare for the new year in-case you see some activity. We will be monitoring our emails. From time to time. My email is  Please reach out that way and I will do what I can to help.  

Many of my team will be travelling and enjoying times with their family, close friends  or simply exploring the shorelines on their  adventures, and celebrating this beautiful season. 

Our investment Firm's head office hours are listed below, in case of an unplanned financial requirement for mutual fund business they are our backup team and available to take care of paperwork in our absence.

 Please contact me first and we will connect with our administrative folks if such a situation arises.

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Prosperous Peaceful New Year !

Timothy Ross, CEO & Founder

Brock Shores Financial



Thank you
Tim Ross, Family Advisor ®
Family Office providing Omega Stewardship ®
613-345-0016 Office 
613-213-4625 Cell/Text
4502 Airport Road - Tincap
GTA Professional Center
Leeds Grenville, Brockville Region
Elizabethtown, Ontario, Canada K6T 1A2
Helping Families Achieve ...Life’s Major Goals ®
* One Stop Process Driven Approach for Retirement & Income Planning
* Personalized Tax Management Solutions for Individuals & Business Owners
* Confidential Wealth Management Solutions
Mutual Funds through Professional Investments 
Brock Shores Financial  #ImprovingFutures
Enjoy, Learn, Engage, Join our new online community at
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It was once said

Came across this article this morning in LinkedIn, I think it is worth a little study. What would be said? Good question. - TLR 



Need career help? Start writing your own eulogy. When we imagine our own deaths, and even write drafts of the way we’d like to be remembered, we can examine our priorities and goals from a broader perspective. Executive coach Daniel Harkavy encouragesthe CEOs he works with to draft two eulogies: the one that would be read today, and another that encompasses all of their future achievements. Comparing the two can help you reevaluate how you are spending your time and the decisions you are making. • Here’s what people are saying.


here is the article


”In that 2005 Stanford commencement address where Jobs talked about the importance of realizing you are going to die, he also stated that, upon reflecting on his success, he realized “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward.”

Yet with the eulogy technique, now maybe you don’t have to wait until the end of your life to connect the dots. By changing your point of view and shifting your perspective from your present to your future, you’ll be able to see where you want to end up, and then know what steps you’ll next to take–what dots you’ll need to connect–to get there.”


Music with a warrior’s beat


there is a place for us


One Step At A Time!

”Be The Adventure”


Tim Ross, Family Advisor ®
Family Office providing Omega Stewardship ®
613-345-0016 Office 
613-213-4625 Cell/Text
Helping Families Achieve ...Life’s Major Goals ®
* One Stop Process Driven Approach for Retirement & Income Planning
* Personalized Tax Management Solutions for Individuals & Business Owners
* Confidential Wealth Management Solutions
Mutual Funds through Professional Investments 
Brock Shores Financial  #ImprovingFutures
Enjoy, Learn, Engage, Join our new online community at


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The Beginning of the Story


This discussion has been going on since I started serving customers and clients in this field of service. I like the proposals that my professional organization Advocis has recommended. They are common sense proposals and I know that they have put a lot of thought and work into the recommendations. They represent the advisor who wants the best for his or her customers and clients. 


Advocis was the result of two groups that I belonged to merged a number of years ago. I belong to a few organizations and Advocis really focuses on lobbying the government to listen to the folks actually doing the job. The way many decisions are made and many proposals are made by past governments and regulators often excludes the advisors , kinda weird if you think about it. The way it is,  we are starting to see some changes to this with the current government in my province. I don’t want to write a big long option on that, but a Saturday morning reflection , reminiscing of my own journey as it relates to this matter at hand.  


I shared a post from a pastor who knows the heart aches of having a family member with Alzheimer’s and it had some recommendations for language choices .  Remember vs Reminiscing, Reminiscing is the better approach .  Thank goodness my phone has spelling recommendations, Reminiscing is a word I struggle to spell correctly. Yet here I did it and I learned to adapt and move on with the aid of the tools provided. I did not have this tool when I first started. It was called a dictionary and I still have mine from public school Euphemia Township. I remember my grade one teachers name. Mrs Johnson or was it Johnston ? I do not remember what she looks like, I just remember her name and that feeling, I must of liked her. I wonder if they still let you bring a mat to school and have a nap on the floor a couple times during the day ? 


Now The years keep marching on, I remember when I first  started with Professional Investments , my dealer , my intermediary that held  my license and gave guidance in what where good choices to invest in, and who made sure the paperwork was done properly. I believe my business stock card from the dealer said  Sales Representative . It was not long that with my background in tax and accounting and under the guidance of my quasi branch manager / mentor Elaine Gray ( poor lady passed away much too young) and 

My new zeal for the industry I looked at the card as a way of distinguishing myself in the financial services industry and Independent Financial Advisor became card number two. This is going back to 1993 , over 25 years now.since I studied and qualified for my Mutual Fund licence and subsequent Life & Accident Sickness License being sponsored by Great West Life at that time for the Life License. 


After quite a few years, think about 5 years If memory services me, there was a decisions made, promoted by the regulators, OSC or perhaps it was when the MFDA got rolling, in the firm to change every one back to Sales Representatives, and discontinue the use of Independent , I think Financial Advisor was still ok. But the talk was not for long, only way to say you where a financial advisor was if you studied and achieved the CFP designation. However the writing was on the wall sort of speaking. 


I always was ( and still do) giving a lot of thought to branding and trying to figure my Why. Why am I doing this business?  for Whom ( that was a given in that it could be for everyone, yet specializing, niche markets are the buzz words of the day and still are, and not just my industry. The What and the How . 


“Where Client Goals Become Our Goals”


That was my first official Vision and Mission statement. I would often call that my tag line, yet it represented the vision, mission and core values of what I was doing and want to do for my customers and clients.  We write it on everything, letters, cards, magnets, spoke about , seriously got those words out there. It made more sense to me to share with prospective customers and clients and advocates what we did and how it could benefit them than engage in the discussions about what my title was. 


I see that the title about what I am is still being debated like it will make you a better choice in a crowded marketplace with more choice than ever before, the choice is literally insane. 


Now what on earth are you trying to share about Timothy ? Here is the link , 


Survey results underscore the need for title protection for financial advisors | Investment Executive

As the famous and legendary fellow, would always say “Now for the rest of the story “. What was his name, do you remember ?  I will post my favourites once done writing.
Now for the rest of the story.
I decided that I did not want to get in this title game and the challenges of regulations, so I made my own .  Simple and practical, and actually better describes my who and what I do with two words. 
Family Advisor ®
And the rest is history, and another story. 

Thank you
Tim Ross, Family Advisor ®
Family Office providing Omega Stewardship ®
613-345-0016 Office
613-213-4625 Cell/Text

Helping Families Achieve ...Life’s Major Goals ®

* One Stop Process Driven Approach for Retirement & Income Planning
* Personalized Tax Management Solutions for Individuals & Business Owners
* Confidential Wealth Management Solutions

Mutual Funds through Professional Investments

Brock Shores Financial
 If you want to get reminded of your Why, I encourage you to connect with Gary , his Kick Ass presentations are inspirational 
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Sharper Image Story

I got this really interesting story this morning from the purveyors at Hustle, it is long, interesting, cool and worth sharing. Enjoy. 

Timothy Ross



How one man built The Sharper Image into the world's wackiest gadget store

It took a marketing genius to build the kingdom of flashy gadgets — and a $229 air purifier to take it all down.


The Sharper Image was a kingdom.

It was a kingdom where you could, in an afternoon trip to the mall, purchase an electric nose trimmer ($39), a motorized surfboard ($2,450), and a bulletproof raincoat ($400), then take a ride in a $1,500 massage chair while being serenaded by a bird-calling robot.

It was a kingdom once described as the “breast implant” of retail, a place where man and child alike could bask in the artificial glow of flagrant consumerism.

This is the story of the man who founded this great kingdom — and how one flashy gadget ultimately led to its downfall.

King Richard I

Richard Thalheimer had all the trappings of a world-class salesman.

Born in 1948 in Little Rock, Arkansas, he spent his youth working odd-jobs in the toy section of his father’s department store. He went on to study psychology and sociology at Yale University, where — during his freshman year — he sold enough encyclopædias to buy a brand new Porsche.

In his early 20s, Thalheimer ventured to San Francisco and started a wholesale business that catered to the then-burgeoning photocopier industry.

“I named it The Sharper Image,” he says, “because I thought that my paper and toner would help people make good copies.”

Left: A young Richard Thalheimer poses for a yearbook photo; Right: In the early days of The Sharper Image (via SF Examiner)

While running The Sharper Image, Thalheimer enrolled at Hastings Law School — but making physical deliveries to businesses in the Financial District every afternoon between classes began to take its toll.

“I was completely taxed,” he says. “So I thought, ‘Why don’t I try mail-order?”

The million-dollar running watch

The mail-order catalogue — a publication that lists products and allows customers to order them remotely via mail or telephone — had been around for a century. As early as the 1880s, Tiffany’s and Sears were hawking their wares in 300-page booklets. 

But in the 1970s, the mail-order industry was having a renaissance moment: Roger Horchow had just launched the first luxury color catalogue without a physical retail location, and Joe Sugarman was running the first-ever mail-order magazine ads — beautiful, full-page photos with poetic product descriptions.

Thalheimer wanted to try his hand at it. But first, he needed a product.

At the time, Seiko had just rolled out a first-of-its-kind fully digital watch — but at $300, most runners couldn’t afford it. Coincidentally, Thalheimer came across a small booth at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, where a man was selling a “very similar” product for $35 wholesale.

He struck a deal with the vendor and bought out a full-page ad in Runner’s World Magazine, offering the watch for $69. For the copy, he chose to feature his friend, Walt Stack — a “legendary, fully-tattooed 70-year-old” who was known around San Francisco for his crazy daily routine, which included a 17-mile run across the Golden Gate Bridge.

Left: Walt Stack on his daily 17-mile-run in the ‘80s (Eric Risberg/AP); Right: Thalheimer’s first Sharper Image ad, for the Realtime watch, starring Stack (Courtesy of Richard Thalheimer)

At a cost of $1k, the ad netted Thalheimer $10k in sales (about $5k of which was profit). He repeated this process — each time, with better results — and by the age of 27, he’d made his first million dollars. 

By 1979, Thalheimer’s system of advertising was so successful that he decided to launch his own catalogue high-tech gadgets nobody knew they needed.

The Sharper Image catalogue

Thalheimer embarked on a quest to find the most unique products on the market — things that “other people didn’t sell.”

“At the Consumer Electronics Show, everyone would gravitate toward the big guys, Sony, Panasonic,” he says. “I’d go straight for the little booths, the people selling things nobody had ever heard of.”

The first catalogue contained 25 items, including the first cordless phone, answering machine, and car radar detector. He avoided superfluous adjectives in his copy, and focused on the features that made the products exceptional.

Very quickly, his experiment began minting money: The first year, sales topped $500k; the second year, they reached $3m; by 1980, $12m. Soon, the catalogue was being sent to 3m people around the world, at a cost of $1.4m per mailing.

He catered specifically to the 20% of Americans who had credit cards, and offered them a 1-800 number to place orders over the phone. In a small San Francisco office, with a staff of 5 or 6 people, a dozen orders were processed every 60 seconds.

The Sharper Image catalogue featured products like the Snore-No-More ($59) — a device that shocked snorers with an electric pulse (via Flickr user Mike Mozart)

The Sharper Image struck at the right time.

In the 1980s stock boom, flashy gadgets and conspicuous consumption were in. “He who dies with the most toys wins” was the ethos of the decade.

Thalheimer expanded into physical retail, opening stores in well-to-do enclaves across America. In New York, bankers dipped in to peruse $1500 massage chairs; in Hawaii, tourists fawned over electric nose hair trimmers and talking scales. By 1985, The Sharper Image was grossing $100m in sales — with no outside capital or debt.

At the company’s helm, Thalheimer was what the New Yorker described as the “very model of a major entrepreneur:” Tanned and muscular, deliberate and tenacious, and infallibly gifted at curating ridiculously niche gadgets, like a mini electric fan on a necklace (priced at $49, it sold 10k units a month).

“I can see the future,” he toldan LA Times reporter in 1984, “I know when a trend is coming and when it’s leaving.” In an AP interview, he hailed himself as a “marketing genius.” Nobody could disagree.

When The Sharper Image IPO’d at $10 per share in 1987, the chain, and its outspoken CEO, seemed incapable of failure. That is, until the ‘80s ended.

Do I really need that gadget?

In the early ‘90s, the economy weakened and sparked a recession: Suddenly, conspicuous consumption was out and frugal environmentalism was in. 

The Sharper Image tried to switch gears by selling more “socially responsible” products (like Birkenstocks, vitamin energizers, and benches made of recycled plastic), but the strategy had a limited effect.

Between 1989 and 1991, sales fell by 28%. Staff was was cut by 20%. Stock tumbled to $2. And for the first time in company history, The Sharper Image posted a loss.

The Sharper Image saw a dramatic decline in the early ‘90s (The Hustle)

“The Sharper Image has become a cliche for the worst excesses of the last decade — the Donald Trump of specialty retailing,” wrote the SF Examiner. “Nobody needs what they sell.”

For a CEO of a publicly-traded company, Thalheimer was unusually involved in minute decisions: His penchant for controlling what color clothes employees could wear, how they decorated their desks, and what type of coffee mugs they used earned him a citation in California Magazine’s 1988 Worst Bosses in America list.

So, he decided to step back from day-to-day operations and go back to his roots: Finding wacky, one-of-a-kind products. It didn’t take long.

At a “hippie street fair” in San Francisco, Thalheimer stumbled across a blue gel shoe insert — the first of its kind. “I stood up in front of all my deflated employees, pulled this thing out of my suit pocket, and said, ‘This is going to turn us around,’” he recalls. “Everyone thought I was nuts.”

At $19.99 a pair, the inserts went on to become the company’s best-selling product, selling hundreds of units a day and adding 50% to their sales figures.

Several years later, in 2000, Thalheimer came across another game-changing product at a toy fair in Hong Kong: The Razor scooter. He negotiated an exclusive 24-month deal and sold a million of them in the first year. It was, he says, “a second lease on life” for the company.

Razor scooters revitalized The Sharper Image, but raised new concerns (via the AP)

Bolstered by the rise of the internet and online sales, the Razor led The Sharper Image to the best performance in its 23-year history. It was no longer just a place for “tech-loving snobs” to buy elitist gadgets.

But this success came with a looming concern: The Sharper Image was turning into what analysts described as “a one-product company.”

The air purifier that killed the company

Thalheimer had long operated by finding intriguing products elsewhere, signing exclusive distribution deals, and selling them under The Sharper Image brand name. But he knew that if it designed and patented his own products, margins could be higher.

In a secret location north of San Francisco, Thalheimer assembled a team of engineers and designers and formed Sharper Image Design to make gadgets in-house. 

“[It was a place] where where the inner child could come out in every man, with gizmos blinking and whirling,” later recalled an employee. “The only thing missing were white coats and propeller hats.”

The team churned out some 300 patents and 100 products, ranging from fogless mirrors to anti-snoring wristbands that jolted the offender with an electric shock.

But the crown jewel of the operation was a noiseless air purifier called the Ionic Breeze.

Ads for the the Ionic Breeze (via The Hartford Courant, 1999)

The Sharper Image put all of its resources behind the machine, taking out hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of magazine, newspaper and TV ads. Despite its $229 price tag, it became a smash hit.

By the turn of the millenium, the Ionic Breeze was so popular that it made up 45% of all of the chain’s sales. And as it turned out, this was a huge problem.

In 2002, Consumer Reports(a nonprofit product review publication) ranked the Ionic Breeze dead last in a feature on air purifiers, deeming it “ineffective.” Thalheimer was furious, and filed a lawsuit against the magazine, claiming it had “negligently disparag[ed] the product.” It was tossed out, and cost Thalheimer $525k in legal fees.

“We did a very stupid thing by making a big stink out of it,” cedes Thalheimer. “It was like suing Jesus infuriated them, and just led to more trouble.”

Three years later, Consumer Reports struck again — this time alleging that the Ionic Breeze didn’t just suck at purifying air, but actually emitted harmful amounts of ozone. Once again, Thalheimer took them to court and lost.

The blowback cost The Sharper Image millions of dollars in store credits and refunds — and soon, stockholders began to question Thalheimer’s magic touch.

Held at Knightspoint

In the Spring of 2006, a group of outside shareholders by the name of Knightspoint Partners snapped up 13% of the company.

Led by famed corporate raider Jerry Levin, the group demanded a shakeup of the board. At first, it seemed they genuinely wanted to help Thalheimer guide The Sharper Image back on track, but it soon became clear that they were gunning to oust him and remodel the company in their own image.

The Sharper Image’s “new image” included some poor decisions, like featuring Trump Steaks on the cover of a catalogue; meat packages started at $1k (The Hustle)

In September, Thalheimer was fired and forced to sell all of his remaining shares for a sum of $26m — a fraction of what his holdings were once worth. When he came into work the next day to gather his belongings, the door was locked. His desk, still covered with the wacky emblems of his career, his now occupied by Jerry Levin.

Knightspoint set to work recrafting The Sharper Image into a general electronic retailer, like Circuit City or Best Buy. Or, in Thalheimer’s estimation, “stripping away the imagination.”

By 2008, stock had plummeted to 28 cents per share. Within a year, The Sharper Declared bankruptcy, closed down all 183 stores, and laid of 4k employees.

The company, now run by an investor group, continues to exist online — but it’s a shadow of its former self. The weird gadgets have been usurped by USB drives and motion-activated light bulbs — and Thalheimer’s oddball charm is nowhere to be seen.

Richard Solo

Looking back, Thalheimer doesn’t harbor much ill-will. He runs his own gadget site, aptly named, and has taken up investing.

“My days are a lot more enjoyable,” he says. “It’s not as egocentric as being the head of my own company. But at this point, I’d rather be alone.”

He tells The Hustle that his net worth is “3-4x higher” than when he got pushed out, and that his studies of the stock market have earned him beefy returns of between 50% and 100% per year.

Thalheimer poses with a favorite from The Sharper Image catalogue (via Richard Thalheimer)

But Thalheimer hasn’t completely abandoned the kingdom.

At his Marin County mansion stands a lavishly-adorned suit of armor — a $2,450 relic from The Sharper Image catalogue. An old cordless telephone dangles from its ear.

It is a sight that can only be described as perfectly Thalheimerian: A blend of the old and the new, the eclectic and the cutting-edge, the blunt and the sharp.

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Weekend Recap

Miss an email this week? Here’s a rundown of our top headlines from the past 7 days:

1. WORDPLAY OF THE WEEK: You smoke, bud?

Canadians once again prove they’re chill after the country officially made weed legal for all uses on Wednesday, but some industry experts believe the share prices have gotten too highhhhhhhhhhhhhh, man. What a buzzkill.

2. OUR FAVORITE: The Palm Pilot is back -- but more useless than ever

All was a buzz as the Palm Pilot brand announced its new “ultra-mobile” Palm phone that is smaller than a regular cell phone and aims to eliminate digital distractions -- only problem is it has pretty much all of the same features as normal cell phones.

3. ‘TODAY I LEARNED’: That if a concert sells out, it usually means ticket prices were too cheap

As ticket scalpers and resell sites continue to run rampant on the industry-wide ticket inflation problem, Taylor Swift and her team concocted a strategy to help combat the issue… and so far, it’s working.

4. OLD DOG, NEW TRICKS: The ‘Real World’ returns... on Facebook?

The world’s first hit reality show announced it is coming back to a cell phone screen near you. The old format will come with some new interactive surprises, and air on Facebook’s new premium content platform, Facebook Watch.

5. TECH TROUBLES: Lime tried to sue San Francisco for getting snubbed on scooter permits

After being denied the highly anticipated San Francisco scooter permit, Lime filed for a temporary restraining against the city, in hopes that it would delay scooter releases for the 2 companies that did receive permits.

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The Masterplan, Oasis. Everybody’s got one.



Now, back to the corn field

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I am often asked what is Omega Stewardship ® ? 

There is a number of trademarks that I have created since starting the business back in 1988. They represent the idea that we can somehow condense what we do in a few words. The goal is that it helps people understand what we do quickly and to the point. It's an incredible idea to think one can do that, considering everything that we do. This process is certainly not unique to our business, and for business owners, employee's, volunteers of charities etc it's a great process to go through. 

I will tackle each of these as I move forward with the site and explain a little about the history and back story behind some of these words that we use to describe what we do and what we want to see , our vision, mission, and core values.

Omega Stewardship ® is one of the trademarks that I created over the years. It is a process that uses industries best practices and is a mind set of continual improvement. In it's simplest form it describes our process of what we want to accomplish, the value that we want to bring and some of the principals that we want to apply and accomplish  in all our activities of service to our clients at Brock Shores Financial. The three lines below covers the main goals that I feel will help towards the mission of #ImprovingFutures

Timothy Ross, CEO & Founder, Brock Shores Financial #ImprovingFutures

Family Office providing OMEGA STEWARDSHIP ®

* One Stop Process Driven Approach for Retirement & Income Planning
* Personalized Tax Management Solutions for Individuals & Business Owners
* Confidential Wealth Management Solutions

"Helping Families Achieve ... Life's Major Goals"®

"Where Client Goals Become Our Goals" ®

Tax and Consulting Services in Association with Timothy Ross & Associates
Family Office providing Insurance Products in Association with Financial Horizons Group
Family Office providing Mutual Funds in Association with Professional Investments (Kingston) Inc.


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