policy (8)

Immigration Misc Notes

check out comments for additional links for info



Foreign nationals with work experience in the following 16 occupations are now eligible to apply through Express Entry:

payroll administrators
dental assistants and dental laboratory assistants
nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates
pharmacy technical assistants and pharmacy assistants
elementary and secondary school teacher assistants
sheriffs and bailiffs
correctional service officers
by-law enforcement and other regulatory officers
estheticians, electrologists and related occupations
residential and commercial installers and servicers
pest controllers and fumigators
other repairers and servicers
transport truck drivers
bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators
heavy equipment operators
aircraft assemblers and aircraft assembly inspectors

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The Legend

Learn, Engage, Develop, Goals, Enjoy, Responsible ... Join our new online community at www.ImprovingFutures.ca
“On the edge? Move over to our Ledge, our Ledgers fine and worth every dime.”
Peak reflections on a cold Saturday morning, baby it’s cold outside - TLR

Thank you
Tim Ross, Family Advisor ®
Family Office providing Omega Stewardship ®
613-345-0016 Office 
613-213-4625 Cell/Text  advisor@timothyross.com
Helping Families Achieve ...Life’s Major Goals ®
* One Stop Process Driven Approach for Retirement & Income Planning
* Personalized Tax Management Solutions for Individuals & Business Owners
* Confidential Wealth Management Solutions
Mutual Funds through PEAK Investment Services Inc.
Brock Shores Financial  #ImprovingFutures
Learn, Engage, Develop, Goals, Enjoy, Responsible ... Join our new online community at www.ImprovingFutures.ca
“On the edge? Move over to our Ledge, our Ledgers fine and worth every dime.”
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Christmas & New Years Office Hours 2018-2019

Our office at Brock Shores Financial located  in Tincap, will be closed starting Thursday  Dec 20th 2018, reopening Monday Jan 7th, 2019.

Some of the team may be stopping in from time to time during the holidays as we prepare for the new year in-case you see some activity. We will be monitoring our emails. From time to time. My email is advisor@timothyross.com  Please reach out that way and I will do what I can to help.  

Many of my team will be travelling and enjoying times with their family, close friends  or simply exploring the shorelines on their  adventures, and celebrating this beautiful season. 

Our investment Firm's head office hours are listed below, in case of an unplanned financial requirement for mutual fund business they are our backup team and available to take care of paperwork in our absence.

 Please contact me first and we will connect with our administrative folks if such a situation arises.

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Prosperous Peaceful New Year !

Timothy Ross, CEO & Founder

Brock Shores Financial



Thank you
Tim Ross, Family Advisor ®
Family Office providing Omega Stewardship ®
613-345-0016 Office 
613-213-4625 Cell/Text  advisor@timothyross.com
4502 Airport Road - Tincap
GTA Professional Center
Leeds Grenville, Brockville Region
Elizabethtown, Ontario, Canada K6T 1A2
Helping Families Achieve ...Life’s Major Goals ®
* One Stop Process Driven Approach for Retirement & Income Planning
* Personalized Tax Management Solutions for Individuals & Business Owners
* Confidential Wealth Management Solutions
Mutual Funds through Professional Investments 
Brock Shores Financial  #ImprovingFutures
Enjoy, Learn, Engage, Join our new online community at www.ImprovingFutures.ca
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Privacy Sleep


I started using a sleep app last week and I frankly like the insight it gives me. Helps me understand what I am doing right and what needs to improve. I gt off to a rocky start with gettig setup, minor really, I figured it out in 2 minutes. 2 minutes, wow, how impatient we have become with technology. We are very instant in our expectations. So, I am going into day seven where the data I have will the opportunity to upgrade and get more from the system by subscribing to it. Free vs Paid, which will it be. Frankly, I like free, who doesn't, however, you do get what you pay for and I get to make a decision is it worth knowing. Now, sleep is a very important part of our health, next to diet and exercie, everything from what I understand hinges on your sleep, so a small investment in such a service is incredible value when you consider everything you can learn, and help you stay on track and nudge you back to safety if you get off track. 


Now, when you start to get a bit serious about such a personal matter, you truly have an interest in their privacy policy. Well, I read it through and it gave me continued confidence in their product. I will post a copy of what I read in the comment section below.  I may want to double check the term sin the future and having an independent copy may prove beneficial down the road, and interesting to see how policies change overtime as needs and changes evolve. 


This week at conference I listened and was counseled by some incredible industry experts in the financial services, legal, tax and charity industries.  One of the hot topics was privacy , PIPEDA  The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) (the Act) is a Canadian law relating to data privacy. It governs how private sector organizations collect, use and disclose personal information in the course of commercial business.


One of our speakers who works out of the Privacy Office of Canada , https://www.priv.gc.ca/en/ ; described their role and the whole reason behind these acts. He summed it up rather profoundly for me. The purpose of the act is to give Canadians confidence in doing business online. That's about it. The rest is the how and all the little steps and rules you have to follow, the reason is to provide confidence in the system, make it secure to ensure confidence in doing business online.  When I see all the misuse of data by government, I think it helps protect us a bit from governent sharing across platforms. That theroy is pure speculation and I have no strong feelings either way, however they have been known to breach very often and that is just what we heard about. As of Nov 1st, breachs have to be reported by everyone. 

Check out the link on privacy commission presenation and listen in on some of the best practices that we endevor to uphold and practice. 

Part 1 https://www.spreaker.com/episode/16150054

Part 2 https://www.spreaker.com/episode/16150045



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Green Energy Thoughts



After watching the video in this article a couple things strike me. 

In Canada we have the upcoming cap and trade swap of funds which I don’t see helping much. Then in  Ontario there was a massive addition to the grid of solar and wind which has been overpriced compared to fossil fuel to encourage development, but too much has been produced vs what is required, so this has beenreally messed up. A good thing has been tarnished. Perhaps I am kind and thinking this is a typical result when governments get involved. 

On the positive we have capacity and excess. 

However the government has missed the “find efficiencies “  part of the plan.

i heard yesterday how Ontario has to pay billions to get rid of the excess energy generated from our green solar and wind productions. 

I am reminded of  Jeremie Riffkins book and presentation a number of years ago about the hydrogen economy. How that would all integrate. That advice in the book has not happened to the best of my knowledge, or I have not seen it.  If it did and it should we would have a pretty amazing system amen stewardship of our green resources. 

Ontario government has just cancelled I believe over 700 new installation contracts as it has too much electricity and no way to store it. https://www.spreaker.com/episode/16149573

Money should have been invested into the storing as part of the Hydrogen Economy. Maybe it is happening someplace.  Let’s hope that vision gets resurrected and we move forward in this world.

That part of the production has to be realistically fixed before moving forward with more large scale green energy production in a perfect world. Saying that it should still be expanded. Would be good to find lower cost options for solar and wind as well. We all should be producing our own if and when possible. 

This is not my only thought on the matter, a simple observation. 



a windy sunny day

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Public Policy Dialogue for Charities




Terrance S. Carter  B.A., LL.B., TEP, Trade-mark Agent and Ryan M. Prendergast  B.A., LL.B. 
On October 25, 2018, the Department of Finance Canada tabled in the House of Commons a Notice of Ways and Means Motion,  which contained a number of amendments to the Income Tax Act ("ITA")  and other legislation to implement certain provisions previously announced in Budget 2018 and other measures, including amendments to the ITA to modify the rules governing political activities (now referred to as "public policy dialogue and development activities") by charities in Canada. The proposed amendments were introduced as Bill C-86, Budget Implementation Act, 2018, No. 2, ("Bill C-86"),  which received first reading on October 29, 2018, and is included as an appendix to this Charity & NFP Law Bulletin for ease of reference. Bill C-86 significantly improves upon the draft legislation released on September 14, 2018 by the Department of Finance Canada ("September Draft Legislation"),  discussed in last month's Charity & NFP Law Bulletin No. 428
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