I started using a sleep app last week and I frankly like the insight it gives me. Helps me understand what I am doing right and what needs to improve. I gt off to a rocky start with gettig setup, minor really, I figured it out in 2 minutes. 2 minutes, wow, how impatient we have become with technology. We are very instant in our expectations. So, I am going into day seven where the data I have will the opportunity to upgrade and get more from the system by subscribing to it. Free vs Paid, which will it be. Frankly, I like free, who doesn't, however, you do get what you pay for and I get to make a decision is it worth knowing. Now, sleep is a very important part of our health, next to diet and exercie, everything from what I understand hinges on your sleep, so a small investment in such a service is incredible value when you consider everything you can learn, and help you stay on track and nudge you back to safety if you get off track.
Now, when you start to get a bit serious about such a personal matter, you truly have an interest in their privacy policy. Well, I read it through and it gave me continued confidence in their product. I will post a copy of what I read in the comment section below. I may want to double check the term sin the future and having an independent copy may prove beneficial down the road, and interesting to see how policies change overtime as needs and changes evolve.
This week at conference I listened and was counseled by some incredible industry experts in the financial services, legal, tax and charity industries. One of the hot topics was privacy , PIPEDA The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) (the Act) is a Canadian law relating to data privacy. It governs how private sector organizations collect, use and disclose personal information in the course of commercial business.
One of our speakers who works out of the Privacy Office of Canada , ; described their role and the whole reason behind these acts. He summed it up rather profoundly for me. The purpose of the act is to give Canadians confidence in doing business online. That's about it. The rest is the how and all the little steps and rules you have to follow, the reason is to provide confidence in the system, make it secure to ensure confidence in doing business online. When I see all the misuse of data by government, I think it helps protect us a bit from governent sharing across platforms. That theroy is pure speculation and I have no strong feelings either way, however they have been known to breach very often and that is just what we heard about. As of Nov 1st, breachs have to be reported by everyone.
Check out the link on privacy commission presenation and listen in on some of the best practices that we endevor to uphold and practice.
Part 1
Part 2