risk (5)


The one word that is critical to staying organized with your business and frankly if you were in tune with this in your personal life, you would be better off as well 

Will get a few resources and future considerations in here and comments to help you tackle this critical word 

Your not alone 

It's more than just numbers  - TLR



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KYP - Know Your Product





The industry is formalizing know-your-product processes


What to consider when assessing an investment

1. Structure and features such as complexity, transparency, uniqueness, basis of return, likelihood of achieving investment objectives, expected returns, time horizon, liquidity and use of leverage

2. Compensation or other conflicts

3. Risk

4. Initial and ongoing costs and their impact on performance

Source: Amendments to National Instrument 31-103


When it comes to products,

“You should be looking at all the benefits and features to make sure the investment you recommend is in the best interests of clients,” Rizi said.

“That’s what KYP is all about.”


In case your compliance cruising, full stop, see, read, digest disclosure  






  • KYC
  • RISK
  • Best Practices


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Factors to consider



Great article that speaks to the regularness of what we are experiencing this year.

 Everyone’s situation is different and how we process risk concepts is different. We often utilize this strategy to smooth out the risk so our clients do not worry during troubled times. ( from a media perspective) 




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