volatility (2)

Market Perspectives

Some great links provided by CI Global Investments


Stick to Your Plan
Most stock market gains are achieved shortly after a bear

This chart shows how major indices performed from the bottom of the 08/09 Financial Crises, March 9, 2009, over the next 3+ years. You
can see once a bottom had been reached the market reacts swiftly and positively. It’s important to stick to the plan you and your advisor
have designed as leaving the market could cause you to miss out on large gains.
Missing out on large gains makes it very difficult to break-even and achieve the long-term return required to meet your financial goals.



Downside Volatility is Normal



Historical Bull Markets Versus Bear Markets
75+ Years of the S&P 500 Index Expansions & Downturns



Resist the Urge to Time the Market
The best and worst trading days happen close together:



The case for diversification

It is nearly impossible to predict what class will generate the highest returns in any given year. Investors benefit from
diversification and reduce their risk by allocating to a variety of asset classes. A strong financial plan will incorporate
investments into different asset classes that react differently to ensure investors reduce their overall risk.



Trust in the plan you and your advisor created
Don’t let emotions take over: staying invested leads to better



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Factors to consider



Great article that speaks to the regularness of what we are experiencing this year.

 Everyone’s situation is different and how we process risk concepts is different. We often utilize this strategy to smooth out the risk so our clients do not worry during troubled times. ( from a media perspective) 




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