A wonderful choice for this award ! Tim
business (12)
As a "New Dad" I like these strategies!
As a "New Dad" I like these !
1. Identify your priorities clearly.
To start, you need to identify your priorities. Obviously, when everything is a priority , this is easier said than done.
To get started, follow these steps:
Organize your tasks into a list.
Put each task in a ranking order.
Realistically determine how much time each task will require.
Plan your day's priorities using a schedule.
In short, making decisions based on your priorities is much easier once you know what they are.
Final words of advice.
No one is perfect, including me. There are times when I don't get it right as well. Despite that, I'm committed to finding a balance that works for both my family and me. It's possible for you too.
Reading the article the principles apply to farm and other business as well. The farm seems to have a greater hold on us, the tasks are daily especially if there is livestock on your farm, no matter the size. For me, we have a milking goat. Getting someone to milk Ivy has been a challenge, easier to just stay home. It's just 5-10 minutes twice a day yet it held me back from leaving our place. Fortunately we found a young couple that wanted to help, we're trainable, this one thing allowed me to feel comfortable in leaving our small operation in their care. Going forward I need to make sure I have a backup, and that means cultivating the relationships that allow me to leave the farm with confidence that the care will be available. My operation is small scale, yet it doesn't take much to hold one back. A little trust, a little training , a little confidence develops and freedom flows, creating opportunities for my family to travel. To be able to respond to inevitable future happenings. Backup , so important, what if there is an emergency to tend to a family matter, a death, an accident, backup, means you have it covered. Line a fire alarm test, test the backup, get away , the strsss and anxiety level will go down. Yes we have to do this, on the farm, in our businesses. The challenge, make it so. Thuringia should run with or without our you. That will make what you have more valuable, and enhance your family relationships .
ps , even a place for the 2nd dog to be cared for, yes take one with you, if there is two, that extra pup adds stress, one is manageable ( for us ) Rose is happy with friends, licking up the opportunity for adventure, and new hugs and walks with our friends, sharing her love 💕
start a course
Should a Business Incorporate?
To incorporate or not incorporate, that is the question… a very common question that small business owners ask their trusted advisor. There are so many variables that come into play in this decision, so the answer is, it depends! Read on as we consider the factors to consider with a small business owner. Only then should the transition from sole proprietor or partnership to a Canadian Controlled Private Corporation (CCPC) be taken.
Know Go Grow: The Entrepreneur Within You
I was doing some research this morning, checking on my Twitter history. I made a decision this week to pause all data sharing with Twitter due to their decision to heavily censor many around the world, brought on by their decision to delete the account of Donald Trump, President of the United States. The attack on free speech is not a good thing for the world. Enough said about this, I am sure there is other platforms that this can be explored on.
So, during this review, I came across my friend, Ben Kubassek and noted his new website and brand update. www.knowgogrow.com . I thought, that makes sense and is catchy. So I did a little deeper dive and came away with some great info and thus sharing here. I met Ben many years ago, his mission and vision have been an inspiration throughout the decades. Have had him to Brockville to share his message in the past, very well attended and wonderful speaker and educator. His work in Romania was very cool indeed. Hope you get some good ideas here, I md looking forward to the ones I get.
There is a link to tools that Ben uses with his mission, link below.
His new book Know Go Grow has a download page for a couple chapters, so I did so and have begun reading, and recording a new podcast on the topic. Please see Intro link here and below. https://www.spreaker.com/show/know-go-grow-tlr-reading The act of reading and recording allows one to review later when your on the go and makes it easier to share nuggests as you find them. Hopefully will develop into bit of resource for those that find it of value, in the meantime, it will help me think about the topic.
Be sure and download your own copy of the book.
The title of this blog, I played with a bit. Now Go Row was capped within the words Know Go Row , we need to Row , usually we row together if you have a bigger boat, you can row by yourself in a small boat, as it gets bigger, you Now need to Row together , just a little hidden message I seen in the main message.
Thanks for your attention
“Don’t say, ‘If I could, I would.’ Say, ‘If I can, I will." ~ Jim Rohn
Year end reporting is way more complicated this yr, this is a helpful article, and some links to CRA site built in ~ TLR
Rachel Fisch of Wagepoint on TWS & CEWS compliance in time for 2020 year-end
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Rachel Fisch is a strategic advisor at Wagepoint. Join Rachel and Juliet Aurora, co-founder of AIS Solutions & Kninja Knetwork, on December 16, 2020, for a webinar on reporting wage subsidies for 2020 year-end. |
Year-end reporting is complicated in a normal year — in 2020, it’s “rocket surgery.”
This year saw the federal government introduce two different wage subsidies to support small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic: the 10% Temporary Wage Subsidy for Employers (TWS) and the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS). Both subsidies are considered income for the small businesses who took advantage of them and, as such, they each have specific reporting requirements.
If you and your small business clients are feeling overwhelmed, you’re certainly not alone. This overview will walk you through the ABCs of the wage subsidies, and if you’re still confused about closing your clients’ books, you can join our December 16th webinar to go over it all in detail. I will be hosting this webinar with Juliet Aurora, co-founder of AIS Solutions & Kninja Knetwork.
Will add in the comments ideas that we discover that will be drivers
great quick overview about the challenges of growing
great pic from last nights Rotary Christmas Ham packing workshop.