farm (5)

Family Time Challenges

Reading the article the principles apply to farm and other business as well. The farm seems to have a greater hold on us, the tasks are daily especially if there is livestock on your farm, no matter the size. For me, we have a milking goat. Getting someone to milk Ivy has been a challenge, easier to just stay home. It's just 5-10 minutes twice a day yet it held me back from leaving our place. Fortunately we found a young couple that wanted to help, we're trainable, this one thing allowed me to feel comfortable in leaving our small operation in their care. Going forward I need to make sure I have a backup, and that means cultivating the relationships that allow me to leave the farm with confidence that the care will be available. My operation is small scale, yet it doesn't take much to hold one back. A little trust, a little training , a little confidence develops and freedom flows, creating opportunities for my family to travel. To be able to respond to inevitable future happenings. Backup , so important, what if there is an emergency to tend to a family matter, a death, an accident, backup, means you have it covered. Line a fire alarm test, test the backup, get away , the strsss and anxiety level will go down. Yes  we have to do this, on the farm, in our businesses. The challenge, make it so. Thuringia should run with or without our you. That will make what you have more valuable, and enhance your family relationships . 

ps , even a place for the 2nd dog to be cared for, yes take one with you, if there is two, that extra pup adds stress, one is manageable ( for us ) Rose is happy with friends, licking up the opportunity for adventure, and new hugs and walks with our friends, sharing her love 💕 


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Agrivest & Agristabilty updates 2017

Some commentary from our peers at Collins Barrows

"AgriInvest and AgriStability are two government subsidy programs that have been extremely valuable to Canadian farmers in recent years. AgriInvest allows farmers to put a percentage of their sales into a fund, where these contributions are matched by the government. The idea is to put money away in your best years, creating a cushion if you are ever short of cash or need extra funds to pay for equipment and supplies.

With AgriStability, your current year is compared to an average of three of the past five years, removing the best and worst years from this equation. If you fall 30 per cent below the average (in other words, if you have a really bad year), you are eligible for additional funding from the government. Both of these programs continue to be extremely valuable to farmers, but they have undergone recent changes that are worth noting."

Canada Resource Site

Other Programs

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