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Agrivest & Agristabilty updates 2017

Some commentary from our peers at Collins Barrows

"AgriInvest and AgriStability are two government subsidy programs that have been extremely valuable to Canadian farmers in recent years. AgriInvest allows farmers to put a percentage of their sales into a fund, where these contributions are matched by the government. The idea is to put money away in your best years, creating a cushion if you are ever short of cash or need extra funds to pay for equipment and supplies.

With AgriStability, your current year is compared to an average of three of the past five years, removing the best and worst years from this equation. If you fall 30 per cent below the average (in other words, if you have a really bad year), you are eligible for additional funding from the government. Both of these programs continue to be extremely valuable to farmers, but they have undergone recent changes that are worth noting."

Canada Resource Site

Other Programs

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