Did you know that Sparkling KiKi Maple Water is copacked in HACCP certified facility?
What does HACCP stand for ? Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)
HACCP is a management system in which food safety is addressed through the analysis and control of biological, chemical, and physical hazards from raw material production, procurement and handling, to manufacturing, distribution and consumption of the finished product.
This is a significant milestone for the company. Prior to 2024 our copackers where CFIA certifiied CFSR, HACCP provides the next level of assurance that opens more doors for us across Canada, around the globe, around the corner and throughout our communities.
Our Warehousing Supply Chain Partner Cantrina Freezer Warehouse in Brampton is HACCP certified, BRC,FDA & Kosher Certified https://cantrinafreezer.com/
Many people do not know what HACCP means. So I did a google search to compile some info and clarity for us.

Why is HACCP certification important?
The international HACCP certification can confirm that a company has set up a system to ensure the safety of its food products. “It means that you’ve assessed the risks and are controlling your critical points,". explains Isabelle Ledoux, Senior Business Advisor, BDC Advisory Services.
Phase 1: HACCP pre-certification programs
Phase 2: the HACCP plan
-Critical control points
-A traceable system
Phase 3: Deployment of the HACCP plan
Phase 4: The HACCP audit
Is HACCP certification mandatory in Canada? No, but several major companies and chains do specifically request it.
What are the main steps involved in obtaining HACCP certification?
Creating the plan
Putting together a team
Describing the process
Putting together a risk analysis
Determining critical control points
Setting critical limits
Developing monitoring procedures
Determining corrective actions
Developing auditing procedures
Setting up record-keeping and documentation
Keeping the HACCP plan up to date
Professional Development
HACCP Managers Certificate Course
HACCPCanada is a HACCP System Certifying Body
Our Warehousing Supply Chain Partner Cantrina Freezer Warehouse in Brampton is HACCP certified, BRC,FDA & Kosher Certified and a client of HACCP Canada
A local business that many of us are familier with in transporation industry is HACCP certified https://www.kriska.com/
Canadian College Of Food and Health
Free Online HACCP Courses
The Food Safety Enhancement Program approach to a preventive control plan