A Man For All Seasons

A Man For All Seasons

A Man For All Seasons

"More is a man of an angel's wit and singular learning. I know not his fellow. For where is the man of that gentleness, lowliness and affability? And, as time requireth, a man of marvelous mirth and pastimes, and sometime of as sad gravity. A man for all seasons."






A Man for All Seasons - Because I Believe: Thomas More (Paul Scofield) explains his morality to the Duke of Norfolk (Nigel Davenport).





"A Man For All Seasons" (1966), directed by Fred Zinnemann, tells the story of Sir Thomas More's resistance to King Henry VIII's seizure of the church in England.

A Man For All Seasons - Clip "Give The Devil Benefit Of Law"


Many are being threatened with the threat of loosing their jobs because they believe their health information is private and choose to not disclose to their employer. In some industries there could be a mass firing of up to 30% of the work force. This interview will give you some legal insight on the matter, it’s interesting insight on the ethics, history of law and the dangers to the future. 

If your being affected by the current manadates being implemented by the government and being encouraged upon business's, some financial planning is in order, you are not alone, please reach out to us, perhaps we can be of assistance.   advisor@timothyross.com  613-345-0016

Devotion from this morning


September 25, 2021
My Lord and My God
“And Thomas answered and said unto Him, My Lord and my God.” (John 20:28)

Thomas has been called “doubting Thomas” because of his initial reluctance to believe in the Lord’s resurrection, but neither the Lord nor the other disciples ever viewed him in such a light. His later ministry, as the first missionary/ martyr to India, speaks clearly of his great faith.

It is only in John’s gospel that we have any specific insight into Thomas’ character. When the other disciples sought to dissuade Jesus from returning to Jerusalem, it was Thomas who urged, “Let us also go, that we may die with him” (John 11:16). Thomas understood the dangers awaiting them but was ready to go wherever Jesus desired him to go. In the upper room when Jesus spoke of going away, Thomas, still willing to go with Him anywhere, was the only one to ask, “Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?” (John 14:5). Then, just a few hours later, the Lord had been crucified, and soon “the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews” (John 20:19) as they hid themselves in the upper room.

But Thomas was not hiding! The Scriptures do not say where he was when Jesus appeared in their midst, but he was not hiding there like the others. He may well have been out working or witnessing, doing whatever he could to follow the Lord, but he (like the others) had failed to understand Jesus’ promise that He would rise again.

When the other disciples reported that they had seen the resurrected Lord, Thomas, realizing the tremendous significance of such a miracle if it were true, insisted he must see the proof firsthand. Then, when he saw the Lord, he showed a higher comprehension of what had taken place than any of the others, as he whispered in awe: “My Lord, and my God!” HMM





I received an email yesterday from our MGA, Financial Horizons, no entry unless you show your papers, doors locked , and if you visit, you can do so for up to 15 min and not be subjected to the paper policy nor testing policy. This does not effect me to much as I rarely attend their offices, but it is an interesting approach being put out there by this business who we do business through. 

"With fear and the wash of perception the talk of the day, we find that the world is upside down, laugh or cry, press on, when there is a way, you find a way." TLR




In case your compliance cruising, full stop, see, read, digest disclosure  




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