think (3)

Deep Thoughts NH

After the release of Think and Grow Rich, Hill began writing Outwitting the Devilas an explanation of why some were still seeing failure after following all of the steps in Think and Grow Rich. His wife, Annie Lou, did not want the book published because of the role the Devil played in it. When Hill died in 1970, the manuscript went into the possession of Annie Lou, who died in 1984. After her death, the manuscript went into the hands of Dr. Charles Johnson, who was Annie Lou’s nephew and president of the Napoleon Hill Foundation. While Dr. Johnson believed the book’s message to be powerful, his wife, Frankie Johnson, shared Annie Lou’s feelings and told Dr. Johnson that she did not want the manuscript published while she was alive. After Frankie’s death, Dr. Johnson passed the manuscript to Don Green, CEO of the Napoleon Hill Foundation. Sharon Lechter was then asked to edit the manuscript, and after several years of annotations and reviews, it was released in June, 2011.

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Pyrrhic - Count the cost



I came across this word this morning while researching some articles on wills and the second will. The second will has become a concern in the legal and estate planning world recently. 

More direction is required and I suspect more cases will come forward for dissection. 

  1. (of a victory) won at too great a cost to have been worthwhile for the victor.
    How many things have we done that we just paid too much for to be right? It’s a good question, count the cost. Families, Friendships, Business, Health,    Ideals, a Soul.  Some things are priceless , some are pointless, some you just have to go with the flow and find peace down the river. 
    Every once and awhile, you have seal up the holes for the winter, batten down the hatches and wait for winter to pass, your spring is just around the corner.  Get ready to plant, spring time, summer and then harvest time will present itself once again. 
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Living on A Knife's Edge

Interesting video on how our cells stay young. Some great lessons to learn here in biology from the research in Pond Scum.

Health Span vs Disease Span  ... 

Do you have control over the length of your telomeres ?  Chronic stress effects , seeing things in a new light, seeing into the lives of the real people, the effect on  people who get worn down, the patterns.

The longer in a tough situation and the more you perceive your under stress the shorter your telomeres and the quicker your untimely death will occur. Interestingly you can change that through thought perception, so there is hope.  Be resilient to stress, a day in, day out, challenge, so you can control how you age way down to your cell level by how you feel about it, good attitude results in better aging process. Improve attitude, it matters, negative thoughts creeps up cortisone and damages your telomeres , vs a challenge to tackle where the blood flows and it is good, bring it on and you do just fine. 

You have power to change what is happening to your own telomeres. Factors outside our own skin, social , as early a childhood, all impact your telomeres and have a  long term effect We are interconnected, we can impact our own and others. 

What legacy will be have , will we invest in the next generation and what will that impact have on maybe the whole world ?

Are you curious, how will you make a difference?

Now you can protect your telomeres and how will you make sure the world invests in curiosity for the sake of the generations that come after us?

Good questions, now what are we going to do? For me, I am going to nip those negative thoughts with positive solutions. ~ TLR 

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