management (2)

Farm Management & Succession Sand Box

Thanks for landing here, please check out the comment sections as I will be posting resurces there as they come at me. This sandbox will focus on farm management and farm succession resources. 


To kick this off, there is a course offered by University of Guelph that requires an investment of your time, there is a lot of good resources there, gets you thinking and hopefuly has soe good ideas to help make your farm more profitable, more enjoyable and get you inspired a bit. I completed the course this fall and found it useful and reminded me of my New Liskerad College of Agricuture Days. I graduated from there in 1984. The Dean , what is his name, it escapes me at the moment, thats not like me to forget a name, it will come to me. Anyway, Earl Pollock was on of my teachers , Allen Francis , he came from Renfrew and he retired there. 


Here is my  Christmas email


Merry Christmas ! wishing you and your family all the best this holiday season.

I meant to send this info earlier, and since I am doing some browsing, I thought you might benefit from this course that I took earlier this year. It's a free course that is packed with a lot of good info that is easy to get through and has some good business lessons in it.

The course opens up Jan 9th and one can get on the wait list by registering now.

This is a good course that you and your successors could benefit from.

I am thinking it might spark the succession conversations that should be happening.

I am going to retake the course, the price is right and sometimes we need to hear the message over and over again to glean all the benefits.


Timothy Ross, Family Advisor , CEO & Founder, Brock Shores Financial

Mutual Fund Representative through PEAK Investment Services Inc.

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Brock Shores Financial / Timothy Ross & Associates, Family Office Providing Omega Stewardship

4502 Airport Road – Tincap, GTA Professional Center , Elizabethtown, Ontario K6T 1A2

613-345-0016 Office
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Executive Assistant: Heather Kiley

Office Assistant: Tammy Abrams

Office Manager: Megan Ross

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Tax Associate: Kelly Potvin

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The Memo

Tips from today's email Hustel 


Amazon’s writing culture, explained
Making fun of PowerPoint presentations is a popular pastime in corporate America (to be fair, they really do suck).
Back in 2004, Jeff Bezos actually did something about it: In lieu of crafting a PowerPoint, Amazon employees had to write a narrative-driven, 6-page memo before executive meetings.
In their new book Working Backwards, longtime Amazon execs Bill Carr and Colin Bryar explain the company’s writing culture, including why memos are better than PowerPoint:
• Decision-making requires narrative: While PowerPoint is good for conveying data, decisions require persuading stakeholders. Memos are better at achieving this goal.
• Higher information density: People can read faster than people can talk. One author says a memo conveys 10x as much information as a PowerPoint presentation.
• Ideas > charisma: A charismatic PowerPoint presenter can sell a bad idea, while a poor presenter may be unable to sell a good idea. In a memo, the idea wins.
• Better analysis: PowerPoint’s hierarchical (and sequential) structure is not ideal to address complex issues. Narrative-driven memos can be multi-causal and provide a 360-degree view on a topic.
• Shared understanding: Whether or not one agrees with the memo, a focused reading of it puts everyone on the same page to begin discussions.
It’s not just memos, either
The book’s title comes from Amazon’s product development philosophy: Instead of creating a product and then finding customers, Amazon asks, “What does the customer need?” and works backwards toward a product.
As part of the process, employees write a mock press release, which accomplishes a few things:
• Forces big thinking: You don’t write press releases for incremental improvements.
• Creates an FAQ: This document answers all potential customer questions, and also uncovers potential hurdles and opportunities.
If you want a PowerPoint of this article, email us and we definitely won’t get back to you.
(Check out the book’s authors on the a16z podcast for much more.)

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