4 day work week (1)

4 Day Work Week

A noble goal to only be working 4 days a week. 

We have set our office hours to be open Monday through Thursday when we are not in the heart of tax season.  We have been doing this for several years now. It works for our team. When ever I start finding I can't get everything done we start looking for a new team member. It's not a perfect solution, I would love a 3 day a week work week, however this has helped us grow and take better care of our clients. Team member can book personal stuff on their days off so that helps everyone focus when they are in. 

Personally I monitor usually everyday, as the owner, I rely on my team at Brock Shores Financial to serve our clients, to show up , to look for opportunities to bring value to our clients and to our company. 

My plan for this post is to accumulate info on the 4 day model, hopefully this resource will inspire, encourage and help reach this noble goal for others and ourselves.




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