Well, the count down to Christmas is on ! with less than a month to go, the birth of Jesus will be added to the ledger of time once again and Santa will get some credit in the hearts of many children, and the Spirit of Christmas will once again touch hearts and lift souls.
I have been tasked to make stuffing for the Christmas Dinner this Friday at my church. So I have a few of the ingredients purchased and now have to give some thought to how I might prepare this dish. I remember a number of years ago doing the stuffing, and I kinda liked it, lets see if I can do it again!
In the mean time, here is a list I found today, have not searched through it, might be some treats in there that you may want to try.
I have an order in with a friend for a pecan pie should one appear at his church's bake sale this Saturday, and as back up plan, I'm in for a dozen butter tarts !
If anyone wants to drop any of these off at the office before Christmas, you have my permission in advance.
Thanks again