teens (1)

Mental Health Deep Dive

I came across Mark Goulston while listening to an interesting conversation yesterday, check it out for your self. I am hoping to put some of the mental health info that I come across to the comments for future resourse and review. This topic touches us all, for some it is so pain full. Mark Goulston discusses things mental health-related. They got into the ins and outs of dealing with depression, his own techniques and tips on how to cope, and the Michelangelo Mindset. Mark Goulston is the Creator/Co-founder of Michelangelo Mindset, exec coach, best-selling author of nine books, and host of My Wakeup Call Podcast. He was originally a UCLA professor of psychiatry for over 25 years, and a former FBI and police hostage negotiation trainer.  




This is the interview , the mental health is not the headline, its in the deep dive


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