problems (3)

Broken Health Care System

This is a problem that seems to be increasing. Being at the "Emergency Department" a number of times over the holidays ths Christmas with my wife and baby boy, we had some upfront seats. I wrote a nice little reflection on fb this morning , I shared it and it disapeared after doing so. I wish I had saved a copy not thinking it would be disapear, so lesson learned, post on your own system first, then you can share. 

Key take away, we need a "I Need Help Department" that in between Emergency and I can see my Dr next week.

Maybe the comments I made will reapear once approved by fb police, it wasn't that bad, however I did invoke the name of #47 and very fine people, so who knows. 

In the meantime, I will glean some items on this topic.

Key Words

Health Care









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Solution Fix The Door

Came across this excellent article this morning. Enjoy, there is some excellent advise and refelection , needs to be read a few times, enjoy. 

There Often Isn’t A Perfect Solution

By Richard Millington on Dec 03, 2021 07:30 am

I’m writing this in a London cafe on a cold day.

Each new customer opens the door and expects it to swing back closed behind them. But the door doesn’t do that. Instead, it stays open and the cafe starts to get cold.

At first, the staff shouted at customers to close the door behind them. But then their manager suggested shouting at customers before they’ve paid wasn’t the best strategy.

Instead, staff began to close the door behind each customer. But this wasn’t sustainable either. It took time away from serving customers and was clearly frustrating staff to do this every time a new customer enters (about every two minutes by my count).

So they wrote a sign and posted it on the door reminding customers to close the door behind them. But the sign was written in ink and was too small. Most customers ignored it.

Next, the staff wrote a bigger and clearer sign in bold marker and posted this on the door. This didn’t help either. There’s already five other notices on the door and window. Too many for any customer to bother reading any of them. They could remove the other signs, but that would upset management.

I’m struck by how often we’re faced with equivalent problems in a community.

We have a technology problem and there isn’t a perfect solution. We’re forced to choose between:

a) Simply allowing it to happen (i.e. allowing existing members to be disrupted).
b) Shouting at new members to behave the right way.
c) Politely trying to nudge members to do something (with little effect).
d) Posting really big signs (at the expense of other notices).
e) Doing a lot of extra work ourselves.
f) Paying (and waiting) for the technology to be fixed.

There’s no useful advice here – just a lesson that you’re not alone in these dilemmas. There’s no easy solution even to the most simple of problems. Sometimes you just have to figure out which is least painful.

The staff have settled upon the cafe getting cold.

The post There Often Isn’t A Perfect Solutionfirst appeared on FeverBee.

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When GOD solves our problems

Thanks for sending this one over Gord McCrady!


Subject: Fwd: When GOD solves our problems


This is interesting…Enjoy…

When GOD solves our problems, we have faith in HIS abilities.

When GOD doesn't solve our problems, HE has faith in our abilities.

One may observe God's accuracy in the hatching of eggs…those of the Canary in 14 days.those of the Barnyard Hen in 21 days

Eggs of Ducks and Geese in 28 days.

those of the Mallard in 35 days.

Eggs of the Parrot and the Ostrich hatch in 42 days.

(Notice, they are all divisible by seven, the number of days in a week!)

See God's Wisdom in the making of an Elephant…

The four legs of this great beast all bend forward in the same direction. No other quadruped is so made.

God planned that this animal would have a huge body…too large to live on two legs. For this reason, He gave it four fulcrums so that it can rise from the ground easily.

The Horse rises from the ground on its two front legs first.

A Cow rises from the ground with its two hind legs first.

How wise the Lord is in all His works of Creation!

Each Watermelon has an even number of stripes on the Rind.

Each Orange has an even number of segments.

Each ear of Corn has an even number of rows.

Each stalk of Wheat has an even number of grains.

Every bunch of Bananas has on its lowest row an even number of Bananas, and each row decreases by one,

so that one row has an even number and the next row an odd number.


There is more…

The Waves of the Sea roll in on shore Twenty-six to the Minute in all kinds of weather.

All Grains are found in even numbers on the stalks.

God has caused the Flowers to Blossom at certain specified times during the day.

Linnaeus, the Great Botanist, once said that if he had a Conservatory containing the right kind of Soil, Moisture, and Temperature, he could tell the Time of Day or Night by the Flowers that were Open and those that were Closed.

The Lives of each of us may be ordered by the Lord in a Beautiful Way for His Glory, if we will only Entrust Him with our Lives.

If we try to Regulate our own Lives, we will have only Mess and Failure.

Only God, who made our Brains and Hearts, can Successfully Guide them to a Profitable End.

When you carry the Bible, Satan has a Headache.

when you Open it, he Collapses.

When he sees you Reading it, he loses his Strength,

and when you Stand on the Word of God, Satan cannot Hurt you!

And did you also know…

that when you are about to Forward this Email to others, the Devil will probably try to Discourage you, but do it anyway.

Life without God is like an Unsharpened pencil - it has no Point.

I pray God bless you in ways you never even Dreamed.

I didn't think twice about forwarding this one.

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