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Hot Dog Sales

I have focused a fair bit on the hot dog in this message, just check out the comments below, also be sure and dig a little deeper, there is some good notes on encouragement in this message delivered on this years first real Snow Sunday of 2024 in our Brock Shores Region, where we all aspire to row together ~ TLR


the Hot Dog message starts around 1:30:56 , usually I am able to embed and start there, this one seems to revert back to the beginning, maybe you should listen to it all :) There was a man who lived by the side of the road And he sold Hot Dogs He was hard of hearing so he had no radio. He had trouble with his eyes so he read no newspapers nor did he watch television or have access to the internet But he sold amazing Hot Dogs He put signs on the highway telling how good they were. He stood on the side of the road and cried “Buy a Hot Dog” and people bought. He increased his meat and bun orders. He bought a bigger stove to take care of his orders and he finally got his son home from college to help him. But then something happened…. His son said “Father, haven’t you been reading the news? There’s a big recession on, the European situation is terrible, the domestic situation is worse. Everything is going to pot” Thereupon the father thought, well, my son’s been to college, he reads the news, he listens to the radio, he watches the television and he ought to know. So the father cut down on the meat and bun order, took down his advertising signs and no longer bothered to stand on the highway to sell his Hot Dogs. And his Hot Dog sales fell away overnight. “You’re right son.” The father said to the boy. “We certainly are in the middle of a great recession” - Author Unknown The moral of this story is that we can fall into the trap of the self-fulfilling prophecy by taking too much notice of what we hear or read that can then have a detrimental impact on your business. Through your actions and behaviours, you can directly or indirectly influence the outcome of a prediction. i.e truly believe that there is a recession in your business and behave as there is and you will sell many fewer hotdogs, but believe in the strength of your product and focus on the opportunities that make your business unique and you could be selling many more Hot Dogs than expected. Keep the belief and the mindset on your opportunities to outperform and keep the focus on what you can influence 13226700666?profile=RESIZE_710x $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ -> $$$$$$ -> $$$$ -> $ Grab a Cold KiKi Today So yesterday Natures Energy Water Corporation donated 30 cans of our Sparkling KiKi Maple Water beverages to our local legion here in Brockville for their executive meeting. Thinking this will be a great non-alcoholic beverage they can offer their guests and patrons. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ->> $$$$$$ ->> $$$$ ->> $ Grab a Cold KiKi Today #BeTheAdventure #SimplyRefreshing
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