n1 (1)

Your life is an N=1 experiment - Get Cracking

Your life is an N=1 experiment - Get Cracking


2 Dozen a day =720, beats my 120 a month , its a lot of eggs, interesting study and reflections. Puts a different twist on that saying, try this, it might help ~TLR

“This video isn’t really about eggs,” Norwitz told The Epoch Times. “It’s actually a social experiment and reflection exercise for both me and you.” He clarified that while eating hundreds of eggs lowered his cholesterol, the same outcome might not apply to everyone. For instance, hyper-responders—those whose cholesterol spikes significantly after consuming dietary cholesterol—could see different results.
That’s precisely the point: It’s about finding what works specifically for you.

N=1 Science: A Personalized Approach
Personalized science, or N=1 experimentation—a study with just one participant—offers an alternative to population-based research. Instead of drawing conclusions from large groups, N=1 studies focus on the individual, allowing people to directly test how specific interventions affect their unique health profiles.
“N=1 is the future,” Michael Snyder, a leading genetics professor at Stanford Medicine, told The Epoch Times in an email. “We are all different, and now we can collect a lot of data on a single person to make very specific recommendations.”



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