last good bye (1)

Wrap Up

There will be a day when it is all wrapped up here on this journey we call life. I came across this reflection today, and I know I have seen it before, its worth repeating and organizing here for future review, contemplation. ~ TLR

When You Die

When you die, don’t worry about your body. Your family will take care of everything as best as they can. They’ll wash you, dress you, and prepare you for your final journey. They’ll take you out of your home and move you to your new resting place.

Many people will attend your funeral to say their goodbyes. Some will even rearrange their schedules or take time off work to be there. Yet, life will go on.
Your possessions, even the ones you guarded most fiercely, will be given away, sold, or discarded. Your clothes, tools, books, shoes, and keys—all the things you once called your own—will pass into other hands or be forgotten.

The world won’t stop for you. The economy will keep moving. At work, someone else will fill your position, possibly doing the job as well as, or better than, you did.

Your name will continue to be mentioned—sometimes with admiration, sometimes with criticism. People will recall the good and bad moments you shared. Friends and acquaintances might say, “What a good person,” or, “What a life they lived.”

Your true friends will grieve deeply, but only for a time. Soon enough, laughter will return to their lives. Those who partied with you may move on even faster.
Even your pets will adapt to a new owner.

Your photos may sit on a shelf or hang on a wall for a while, but eventually, they’ll be tucked away in a drawer. You’ll linger in the memories of those who truly loved you, but even that will fade as time goes on.

Someone else will sit in your chair, eat at your table, and live in your home. The pain of losing you will gradually fade for your family and loved ones. Weeks, months, years will pass, and then you’ll become part of their memories.
Your story here will end.

But a new chapter will begin—one in a different reality. In this new life, none of the things you valued here will matter.

Your body, your beauty, your possessions, your status, your bank account, your home, your car, your profession, your titles—none of these will follow you. Even your relationships, family, and friends will remain behind.

The only thing you’ll take with you is your spirit, enriched or impoverished by the life you lived here.

The wealth you carry forward is what you gave to others—love, kindness, and peace. It is built not through what you kept, but through what you shared.
So live fully, love deeply, and give generously.

In the end, you won’t take anything you earned, only what you gave.

from a facebook quote post, author not known


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