journaling (1)


I have been receiving lovely emails fromIAJW on this for several months now. I am a strong advocate for this habit. Jim Royn was my inspiration for this habit. Todays email had some good insight on the Mental Wellness of Journaling. Here is the 5 Prompts l;isted and a link to the balance of the info. PLease check the comment section for future resources that I will eventually post there over time. Have a blessed day !


Here are 5 Journaling Prompts for Mental Wellness


Journaling is a powerful tool for mental health, offering a way to express emotions, reflect on experiences, and gain insight into your thoughts. It is also an enjoyable thing to do!

Here are five journaling prompts to support your mental well-being:
1. What are you feeling right now and why?
Becoming aware of your present moment emotions is a mindfulness practice. Our emotions are always changing moment to moment. Notice how you feel, breathe and allow a moment of mindful self-awareness.
2. What’s one thing you’re grateful for today?

Practicing gratitude puts our attention on the positive aspects of life. Even on difficult days, finding one thing to appreciate can help improve mood and build resilience. There is nothing too small to be grateful for!
3. What’s something you’re struggling with and how can you approach it differently?
Explore current challenges and brainstorm alternative ways to address them. Writing about struggles and solutions can reduce overwhelm and help in problem-solving. Naming our challenges helps us face them in a solution-focused way.
4. What’s a self-care activity that would benefit you today and how can you make time for it?
Reflecting on self-care needs and planning to incorporate them into your day can promote relaxation and well-being. I am going to take a break from my desk this afternoon and go for a walk out in the forest with my dear dog, Sadie. How about you? What will you do for self-care today? 
5. What brings you joy?

Joy is a pathway to greater emotional, physical, psychological and spiritual health. Your whole self can be nourished by simple moments of joy in the midst of it all!
These prompts are designed to foster mindfulness, self-reflection, and emotional well-being, which are vital for maintaining and supporting our mental health.

As is often said, our mental health is our health!





Lynda Monk, MSW, RSW, CPCC, is the Director of The International Association of Journal Writing. She is passionate about both the transformational power of journaling and the healing benefits of writing in community. She is devoted to serving our global community for journal writers where connection, creativity and compassion change lives. 


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