iq (1)

Digging Trenches

I was reading this interesting email from Barking Up The Wrong Tree while enjoying my coffee this Thanksgiving Morning. Today is a wonderful day, the big stores are closed and all of the people employed there are getting a real day off, that is kinda nice if you think about it. I digress, back to the story. I shared ths with my darling wife and she reminded me where wisdom comes from. The Fear of The Lord. I will post the full email in comments and a link to the blog. Check this insight out next time your dealing with a smarty pants. ~ TLR 


 IQ isn’t everything.

"Greater education and intelligence don't necessarily lift you up; sometimes they just provide better tools for digging trenches.  “Intelligent and educated people are less likely to learn from their mistakes, for instance, or take advice from others. And when they do err, they are better able to build elaborate arguments to justify their reasoning, meaning that they become more and more dogmatic in their views. Worse still, they appear to have a bigger ‘bias blind spot,’ meaning they are less able to recognize the holes in their logic.”

A 2013 study from the Journal of Experimental Psychology found that people who were better at wise reasoning did better in nearly every area of life. They were happier, had better relationships, and were even less likely to die in the next five years. The twist?

Intelligence is pretty much unrelated to wise reasoning. And unrelated to those increases in health or happiness. You could have an IQ so high it requires oxygen, and it wouldn’t make you all that much wiser, healthier, or happier. "

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