employment benefit (1)

Retirement Group Plan Omega Stewardship Thinking

"More than half of Canadians over the age of 50 don’t have a retirement savings plan. Why don’t more employees save? Perhaps they don’t see the benefit. Maybe they feel retirement is too far down the line. Or maybe they feel they can’t afford it.

How can your business help buck the trend? An employer contribution match is one of the best perks going in the workforce. It not only helps your company attract and retain top talent—it’s literally free money for the employee, with compound returns sweetening the pot.
By offering an employer match on your sponsored Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) or a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA), you can help employees at all career stages to save for retirement. "


There is so many options to consider for a companies Group Plan , logistically we need to focus on one to start.

So lets look at Mackenzie as an example of a great portfolio management company that has a good back office and materials to help streamline setting up and taking care of a companies group plan. 

There is some great tools to better understand Retirement Planning Options at this link



Then there is the forms to get, scroll down at the next link 

Will need the Sponsor Application and each member will need a application , TFSA and RSP options. There is a defined pension option as well. For many that might not be a good idea, worth a discussion. 

Mackenzie Investments Group Plans Forms



 That should get any one started, contact us to setup the account as the employer or as an employee

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