chaga (1)

Too Busy, Reclaim That Time When

This morning I was going through my mail and I realized that I missed a heartful moment that was shared with me, I missed it completely in the busyness of the replying moment. Perhaps I didn't want to deal with what that meant to me. We have all done that I am sure at one time in our life. This kind thoughtful lady had just lost her cat of 14 years, probably a cherished friend a very special part of her and perhaps her families life and I had missed the simpliest "oh no, I am sorry".  So I am glad that I got to reflect and correct that oversite and in turn allow myself to feel some of that grief once again that I had for our Gracie who got killed a couple years ago now.

"Dear griefing , reflecting on your loss of your kitty, 14 yrs that is good long life for a cat, I hope we get that much time with our Chaga. You must have  a million memories to cherish. It is amazing how our pets become part of our family and the love we have for them grows so deeply, when I lost our dog Gracie two years ago I was a mess, it still hurts sometimes. I was thinking about your loss this morning and it brought back some memories of my own, it is good for us to reflect. I did some research and  came across this helpful article and the link is below. This lady wrote a wealth of reflections that could be helpful for those that have loss perhaps their most cherished friend. This is the first article in her series, I added a couple extra that I am going to read later.  I have added this to my blog under Grief."


Thinking about your loss, I hope you are ok and are on your haling (healing) journey. Thank you for sharing your loss with me, and I am glad you got to have the time to be with your cat at the end, that is very special indeed.

Tim "


well at least haling is an actual word. I meant to write healing !

haled, hal·ing, hales
1. To compel to go: 
2. Archaic To pull, draw, drag, or hoist.

Synonyms for HALING: pulling, hauling, dragging, towing, tugging, drawing, carrying, lugging; Antonyms of HALING: driving, pushing, propelling, thrusting

hal•er, hal•est.
free from disease or infirmity.

I did not realize the depth of this word, I like the idea of haler, free from disease or infirmity, that is approriate for a kitty  who is no longer in pain and has passed on , no longer with us, yet free , there is some comfort in that, the halest . The definitions do not relate back to a death, but of the living, I can see using it this way. I am not in English class, creative composition perhaps, may I get a passing grade at least. 

The picture I plan to add to the title is of a little memorial of Gracie's collar and dog tag, like a feather, young, here for a brief time, all dogs go to heaven 

In two separate descriptions of the New Heaven and New Earth, the Bible mentions that animals will be present. Isaiah 11:11 says, “The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat and the calf and the lion and the fattened calf together; and a little child shall lead them.”

This description of peaceful relations between species of animal continues for three more verses, and a similar passage is found in Isaiah 65:25

Not sure what to title this post yet, well, maybe because I was "too busy" to read properly that may be a good direction to take this. 

Now on with the original article and advice to encourage us on our grieving journey ~ TLR



Grieving Is Important


Take Time Off


Or Keep Busy


Relive Happy Memories


Do A Memory Tour


Go Somewhere To Reflect


Celebrate With Others


Create A Memorial


Preserve Memories


Don’t Hold It In


Write Them A Letter… Or Something Else


Talk To Someone


Seeking A Professional


The Best Way Of Grieving A Cat Is Your Way


Check Out The Other Posts In The Series


Sharing Your Cat’s Story As A Way To Heal


The Little Things You Miss




Gracie loved coming to the office with me. 


Have a blessed day!
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Timothy Ross, Financial Advisor, CKA®, RIS, RIAC, CEA
Brock Shores Financial, Family Office providing Omega Stewardship ©
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Timothy Ross, Financial Advisor, CKA®, RIS, RIAC, CEA Mutual Funds Representative PEAK Investments Inc.

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 May we become Good Ol' Men and Good Ol' Women , God continues to work on us

Philippians 1:6 "being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ" New King James Version

For a whole bunch of other versions check out

"Every time you cross my mind, I break out in exclamations of thanks to God. Each exclamation is a trigger to prayer. I find myself praying for you with a glad heart. I am so pleased that you have continued on in this with us, believing and proclaiming God’s Message, from the day you heard it right up to the present. There has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish on the very day Christ Jesus appears." MSG

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