Click on the link below and setup your free account. This service works well. You will get weekly updates. Warning, you will get various offers for credit, be cautious about taking advantage of any offer without a strong thought out plan. The goal should be to reduce amounts that you owe, not expand it.
Simply click on the "Sign Up" button, setup your account and then work through the questions.
Borrowell - Free Credit Score Link
Get Your Free Equifax Credit Score & Report
Your credit score can have a big impact on your financial future, whether it's buying a house, renting an apartment or landing your dream job. Join over a million Canadians and get the tools you need to help understand, manage and master your credit - in under 3 minutes.
What is a Credit Score?

Your credit score is a number ranging from 300 to 900 which reflects your creditworthiness to potential lenders. Higher scores make you more likely to qualify for better rates on things like mortgages, credit cards and loans- potentially saving you hundreds and even thousands of dollars.