This is a problem that seems to be increasing. Being at the "Emergency Department" a number of times over the holidays ths Christmas with my wife and baby boy, we had some upfront seats. I wrote a nice little reflection on fb this morning , I shared it and it disapeared after doing so. I wish I had saved a copy not thinking it would be disapear, so lesson learned, post on your own system first, then you can share.
Key take away, we need a "I Need Help Department" that in between Emergency and I can see my Dr next week.
Maybe the comments I made will reapear once approved by fb police, it wasn't that bad, however I did invoke the name of #47 and very fine people, so who knows.
In the meantime, I will glean some items on this topic.
Key Words
Health Care
From Napoleon Hill
Too much truth will make some people madder than too little.
Schoolchildren sometimes play a game called "Honesty." The rules are simple: For a designate period of time, the participants must tell the truth regardless of the subject. They then ask each other leading questions such as, "Do you like my hair?" "Do you think Lindsay is cute?" Inevitably someone gets angry when he or she discovers that these friends had been shading the truth, telling "little white lies," to spare the other person's feelings. Even when the game is over, its lessons are not soon forgotten.
Being honest with others doesn't mean being brutal. It isn't necessary to tell people everything you don't like about them under the guise of being frank with them "for their own good." Sometimes it's better if we don't know every person's innermost feelings about us. Respect for another's self-esteem often means telling them too little truth instead of too much.
Health Connect Ontario Dial 811
4081 HWY 29, Brockville, ON K6V 5T4
By Appointment Only
Care & Co. is a private healthcare clinic. We believe in transforming healthcare into a personalized experience, harnessing advanced technology to work together to prioritize your well-being and provide the care you deserve.
Found it ! ... My Post that seemed to disapear, search and you will find ... 3Timothy1:10-2025
A nice view/insight from the other side, just reinforces the fact that the emergency department is not being managed well from a staffing perspective, since it's an emergency,(to the person going there) one would expect it to be taken care of quickly , that is what one would expect how to be treated in an emergency, so they know there is a shortage, so hire to meet the need, have people that agree full heartedly to respond when there is an emergency overload as an additional expectation, pay them, encourage them, thank them, work some volunteers into the help to ease some budget, frankly I would expect there would be some compassionate souls that would want to help, step out of hospital environment and consider say fire department, a fire happens, that is an emergency, they don't say , well, it's Saturday, we only have a couple firefighters on today, they will be over soon, they have some paperwork to take care of, no, they prepare for the emergency, probably can handle a few as they staff to do so, and if it's really bad, I suspect dispatch has ways of bringing more help to the emergency, perhaps hospital could do likewise. I say this and I don't want to sound negative, as we have benefited, life threatening benefited in the past from the care there, and that has been excellent, compassionate. Possibly could add more space to deal with matters that arise , maybe they need a "We Need Help Department " that is in between "Emergency " and I can wait till next week to see the Dr. Maybe that would be a solution, check with our local manufacturer of tents to see if they have some demos to keep the building costs lower, Breaking news, Brockville General Hospital responds to the growing crisis caused by the government, erects Emergency Intake Tents and expands response teams to tackle the chronic overcrowding and overheating of patients in the middle of a health emergency, President Trump announces, very fine people in Brockville, look at how they handled their local health crisis , Elon I hear the internet is a little slow not far from there, the cell service, very very bad , maybe you could help with their communication emergency, very fine people , good neighbours, maybe we should encourage them to take those illegals that don't want to go south, Jr sent me update on how they are building little shacks for homeless people, if they add a few tents , send them sweaters, instead of cell phone, have message on sweater, "Will be Back with Application Papers" ... I think I got off topic , Cheers
I seen this comment .... I think the thing a lot of people that don’t work there don’t understand is that this isn’t just a staffing issue. It’s a capacity issue. Every bed is filled with a sick patient on every unit in our hospital. Family and tv rooms have been converted into impromptu rooms because we need more rooms. Nurses are taking on extra patients to ensure inpatients are getting the care they need and deserve.
Right now, we have an extra surge unit open. Our day surgery area is now filled with inpatients. We are now even overflowing into clinical areas to keep up with the demand for capacity.
Emergency is filled with more sick people that are being admitted but waiting for a bed up on the floor. This is happening across the board. People are sick. People don’t have family doctors, therefore no regular checkups to catch this illnesses before they start. It’s devastating but we just keep on going because that’s all we can do at this point.
Short of building and staffing an entire new wing, hospitals are over capacity and the only place a change will be made is to put pressure on the government to step up funding for public walk in clinics and remove the restrictions they’ve placed on family physicians.
There’s a lot of moving parts that have created this issue. People are genuinely sick, staff are run ragged, people are frustrated. We all need to put the pressure on the right people to make that change.
Hello! To respond to your emergency department post: I have personally worked in an emergency department in Toronto and in a rural location. Both of those departments do see people in actual emergency situations, and they are seen quickly. However, when people arrive because they have a splinter and DEMAND to be seen AHEAD of someone who is having chest pain with a history of prior heart attacks and strokes - just because they were there first is not right. A splinter is not an emergency. You won't die from a splinter, you will of a heart attack. I have personally assessed someone who came into the department because they had a zit on their head and they were too grossed out to pop it (or leave it alone). That is not an emergency, but it DOES take the resources away from someone who IS dying, or having an emergency. I have personally assessed someone who came to the emergency department because their loved one was going away on vacation and had no one to look after the elderly person who could NOT be left alone. This is not an emergency as there was LITERALLY nothing any of us could do. They had dementia and needed 24/7 care and their loved one decided we were great babysitters. This is an inappropriate use of resources. So yes, people will come into the department in pain, they will come into the department because they think they are having an emergency. However, part of what causes the long wait times is when people do not use the service appropriately. If you were to go to emergency on Christmas day you would have no wait because everyone is at home. But after dinner people will start trickling in because they didn't miss Christmas with the family. There are times when emergency departments are relatively quiet or not "as busy" as other days because people are at their cottage, or visiting a friend and decide to come to the emergency department a day or two after their injury/symptom onset because it's convenient for them. This is NOT always the case, but for each and every time the emergency department is not used appropriately, it slows down EVERYTHING and uses up all the resources. A solution? Have an urgent care clinic that is open 24/7 that is attached to the hospital. If they are worried about a budget, have it staffed and run by nurse practitioners. If someone comes to the urgent care clinic and it is more serious, then they get the further tests done (as they are at the hospital) and will then move to the appropriate department. If there is NO patients in the middle of the night - the nurse practitioner could then help out in the emergency department or on any of the other units should a patient need help instead of calling the on call doctors. There are a shortage of nurses because they are tired of being abused by patients. They don't enjoy coming to work to be hit, kicked, punched, spat on, or have poop thrown at us (it does happen). Breaks can be very few and far between. If you are doing CPR on someone you can't just stop because you have to pee, or because you are now 8 hours into a 12 hour shift and haven't had a break yet. People get into nursing to help people. They know it's hard work. They know there are sacrifices (working weekends, time away from families) but they DONT get into nursing to be treated poorly by patients, their families, colleagues, or even management. There are far bigger issues within the health care system and you are right - what we are seeing is a symptom of the bigger issues. The province needs to take a step back and look at what the root of the problem is. However, when the minister of health has never worked as a front line staff, who doesn't understand the dynamics of hospitals, doctors offices or what the needs REALLY are, we are going to continue down this road. We need to stop the Band-Aid fixes (no pun intended) to make systemic/global changes. If you want a good read, look up Buttersfield nursing theory "upstream/downstream". To summarize the theory as a metaphor: if you are downstream and you see garbage floating down the river, you stop and pick it up. But then there is more. You can spend your whole like doing that. However, if you let some of the garbage pass, but move upstream to find out where the garbage is coming from - it is THEN that you can make a difference by stopping the garbage at the source. You can then move on and use your time/resources somewhere else that it's needed. I would have posted on your page, however I don't want anyone sending a complaint to the CNO about me inserting my political opinion into a public forum (yes, there have been complaints about this to the college and yes we can get in trouble). You are welcome to share if you wish, just please keep my name out if it. ☺️
Will do, I can't find my comment, lol, Megan found it, you found it, must be there. Thanks for sharing your insight, much appreciated! Happy New Year!