Worldly Vacation Taxable Benefit Tax

Worldly Vacation Taxable Benefit Tax

Subject: A tax that Canadians might all support , except 1 or 2


"Great resource .... New or Existing, this is a good little overview, taxes to feed the golden goose , yes the Goose eats to much, we all eat a little too much. If you are lucky, you might have friends that can take care of you on your vacation, this happens for the odd turkey in this country .... I wonder how much scratching would happen if larger gifts from friends was deemed a taxable benefit for say politically exposed persons , that might be a good idea. CRA could do a poll to see if that would be an acceptable tax to be implemented"


So ....


 Do a poll , have fun, Federal be a good place to start.  


A worldly vacation taxable gift benefit, issue a T4A , code WTF , and kicks in when the gift exceeds .... pick your number 


9000 a day 

1000 a day

500 a day

10 a day


Only Politically Exposed Persons and their Family being subject to the taxable benefit. 


Penalties for not issuing the T4A WTF , start at 5,000 for individuals and 50,000 for corporations. 


For those issuing a T4A WTF they receive a refundable tax credit equal to $500 . The gift giver should be rewarded for their influence petaling and to help with the filing cost. 



This is definitely an under utilized source of revenue for government to consider. A tax designed to encourage social responsibility amongst politically exposed persons and help generous patrons be recognized for their contributions.  I think Canadians would rally around this initiative and a whole new government bureaucracy could be created, more good paying jobs, I would put that department on a base salary plus commission! 


All the best with this opportunity. 




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