J.D. Irving, Limited has a long standing tradition of planting trees. Since 1957, JDI has planted over 1 billion trees. In 2019 we plan to plantclose to 20 million trees on lands we own or manage.
One of the election promises was to plant a billion trees. Let’s put that in perspective.
Seems a few liberal themes will come my way today, one of today’s devotions speaks to the trap of a confulated story and how it is laid out for you .....
Messages from the Messiah's Life: The God of the Living
“And as touching the dead, that they rise: have ye not read in the book of Moses, how in the bush God spake unto him, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?” (Mark 12:26)
The Sadducees were the “liberal” party of Judah’s leaders. They wanted to expose Jesus as an unscholarly and unskilled teacher who was unable to answer difficult theological issues. They did not believe in any form of resurrection, so they concocted a story about a woman who had been widowed seven times. Mosaic law demanded that a brother of the deceased husband marry the widow and name the firstborn son after the husband who died “that his name be not put out of Israel” (Deuteronomy 25:6).
This fictitious story was designed to trap Jesus in an unsolvable problem. The Sadducees said, “Last of all the woman died also. In the resurrection therefore . . . whose wife of shall she be of them?” (Mark 12:22-23). They got much more than they sought. “Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven” (Matthew 22:29-30).
Two major doctrines are clarified by Jesus’ response. “But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living” (Matthew 22:31-32).
The proof of the resurrection rests on the tense of the Greek verb “to be.” Scripture is accurate and authoritative even to the minute detail of verb tenses. HMM III
“The trees should be planted within the row at 1.8 m (6 ft) spacing. This will result in a plantation of 2,300 trees per hectare (900 trees per acre). Hardwoods should be plantedin rows 3 m (10 ft) apart, but with only 1.5 m (5 ft) between trees. This will result in 2,000 trees per hectare (880 trees per acre).”
So a billion trees would require 1,000,000,000 / 900 = 1,111,111 acres
now a million plus acres , it took the largest privately held company in the industry 69 years to plant what the liberal government had proposed. I wonder how that will work out. There is some big logistical questions that need to addressed and costs
ontario is 266 million acres
new brunswick is 18 million
13.6 acres for Nova Scotia
15,000 trees a week at 750 per week earnings
1 billion trees
1,000,000,000 / 15,000 = 66,666 weeks
12,000 /750 per week = 16 weeks max
so 66,666 /16 = 4166 planters on average
4166 * 12,000 = 50,000,000 ( 50 million lanbour budget) plus managers for 4166 people, is 420 teams of 10 planting, top notch planters, now if average, let’s add 25 % = say 525 teams
62,500,000 when average applied
managers .... government managers , let’s say 50 managers @100,000 = 5 million
Let’s call that 70 Million plus the cost of a thousand million trees, plus the cost of getting the trees and almost 5000 people to the fields to plant, now were are those fields ?
And how many many acres would that require and who is going to provide them?