Reflecting a bit, the other thing that bugs me, lol, really, lol , this woke agenda of being afraid to write or wish someone a Merry Christmas. I recommend that if you are going to take the day off, or buy a Christmas present, you should respect at least the name of the season. My recommendation is the following .... “ Wishing You a Merry Christmas , a Happy New Year and All The Best This Holiday Season ! “
Wrap that with a bow and it will be more uplifting and encouraging message of appreciation than Happy Holidays which is kind-a blah if you think about, assuming we/you are wishing to express a solid Christmas cheer, inline with the spirit of the season, and let us never forget the reason for the season, and yes Virginia, it's Jesus, .... Santa, time off work, meeting family, friends, rascals, turkey, pumpkin pie and making money are just along for the ride.
The best gift of all this holiday season? Optimism.
CPA Canada released its annual prognostication of holiday spending habits this past week. Spending will be down but spirits up as Canadians return to bricks and mortar shopping as pandemic restrictions loosen and vaccination rates increase.
“For those heading out to shop in person, we recommend starting early,” says Doretta Thompson, CPA Canada’s financial literacy leader. “The pandemic has created supply chain issues that may affect holiday retail shopping this year. To get the gifts you want at the best price possible, we encourage Canadians – particularly the nine per cent who say they are last-minute shoppers – to join the 21 per cent who plan to start their shopping early and get it done as soon as possible.”