Calculator Tools - Check The Math

Calculator Tools - Check The Math

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“The difference between the poet and the mathematician is that the poet tries to get his head into the heavens while the mathematician tries to get the heavens into his head.” ― G.K. Chesterton


RRSP Calculator
Calculate how much you will need to save between now and the day you retire.

RRSP Illustrator
Get a personalized assessment of the tax benefits you gain by investing in your RRSP.

RRSP Loan Planner
Find out how an RRSP loan could help boost your income at retirement.

RIF/LIF Illustrator
Find out how much income your Registered Savings plan will generate in retirement.

Registered/Non-Registered Comparison
Weigh the benefits of registered versus non-registered growth.


Advantage of Early Investing
Learn the importance of investing early and on a regular basis.

Investment & Regular Deposit
See how your one time investment or regular deposit program will grow over the years.

Investment & Regular Withdrawal
Calculate the regular income stream generated by your non-registered investment.


RESP Calculator
Discover how much your money can grow in an RESP and how much you will need to save for your children's education.


Mortgage Qualifier
Use this calculator to find out how much you could qualify for and what your monthly payments would be.

Mortgage and Loan Amortization Scheduler
This easy to use tool provides a detailed payment schedule for your mortgage or loan.

Debt Consolidator
This calculator can show you how much you might save by consolidating your debt at a lower interest rate.


Household Cash Flow Statement
The first step in building a wise financial plan is determining your family's income and expenses.

Net Worth Statement
Complete your personal financial picture by pinpointing your personal assets and liabilities. 


BUYING A HOUSE or PROPERTY, this is a pretty good calculator, it covers a lot of math that will become part of the processing of getting a home or rental.


“Solving a problem for which you know there’s an answer is like climbing a mountain with a guide, along a trail someone else has laid. In mathematics, the truth is somewhere out there in a place no one knows, beyond all the beaten paths. And it’s not always at the top of the mountain. It might be in a crack on the smoothest cliff or somewhere deep in the valley.” ― Yoko Ogawa, The Housekeeper and the Professor

Looks like this would be an interesting read

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    The Counting God
    Doth not he see my ways, and count all my steps? (Job 31:4) God is surely the Great Mathematician. All the intricacies of structure and process of…
  •   November 2, 2021
    The Counting God
    “Doth not he see my ways, and count all my steps?” (Job 31:4)

    God is surely the Great Mathematician. All the intricacies of structure and process of His mighty cosmos are, at least in principle, capable of being described mathematically, and the goal of science is to do just that. This precise intelligibility of the universe clearly points to a marvelous intelligence as its Creator.

    God even “telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names” (Psalm 147:4). Astronomers estimate that at least 10 trillion trillion stars exist in the heavens, and God has counted and identified each one! And that is not all: “The very hairs of your head are all numbered,” Jesus said (Matthew 10:30). From the most massive star to the tiniest hair, God has counted each component of His creation.

    Such countings are far beyond human capabilities, for “the host of heaven cannot be numbered, neither the sand of the sea measured” (Jeremiah 33:22). But God has also created “an innumerable company of angels” (Hebrews 12:22) and has promised that the redeemed will include “a great multitude, which no man could number” (Revelation 7:9).

    No wonder David exclaimed, “Many, O LORD my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done, and thy thoughts which are to us-ward: they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee: if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered” (Psalm 40:5).

    Perhaps the most wonderful of all God’s counting activities is that implied in Job’s rhetorical question: “Doth not he see my ways, and count all my steps?” If He has numbered the hairs on our heads, we can be certain He numbers our steps along the way and guides them all. “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way” (Psalm 37:23). HMM

    Mortgage Payoff Calculator (Canadian)
  • HOME BUYERS PLAN  link, upto 35,000 can be used from your rsp for down payment, if there is a couple, that would be times 2, so potential 70,000 tax friendly option


    Critical Note: must be invested for at least 90 days to get the full tax deduction, so you need to plan this out 



    Fungi Fun
    Fungi Fun, got the idea while reading Philip RJ Chadwick post on his new discovery of a Jelly like fungus, thinking be nice to have a place to post o…
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