
A good reflection on the subject.


Napoleon Hill's Thought for the Day:

** You never know who your real friends are until adversity overtakes you and you need cooperation.

Everybody loves a winner, it has been said, but nobody knows you when you’re down and out. One of the often unappreciated benefits of adversity is that it accelerates the process of identifying your true friends. Most of us have many acquaintances and associates, but we are fortunate to have a handful of real friends. You will very quickly identify yours when you ask them for help. The wise individual is the one who, when asked for assistance, recognizes that he may one day find himself in the same situation.

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  • Napoleon Hill’s Thought for the Day

    ** The quality and quantity of service you render fixes your wages and determines what sort of experience you are getting.

    ** The only constraints that you have on your income and advancement potential are those you place upon yourself. If you don’t like your position, or if you are unhappy with your salary, do something about it. What can you do to make yourself more valuable to your department or your company? What tasks have not been completed because no one has the time or the inclination to take care of them?

    ** Look around and identify things that need to be done. Don’t wait to be asked. If you make it a habit to seek out opportunities, to take on new tasks, you will increase your knowledge about the organization and become such a valued employee that your company can’t afford to loose you.

  • Napoleon Hill’s Thought for the Day

    ** The climb upward will be easier if you take others along with you.

    ** When you take the initiative, you become a de facto leader whose success will depend in large measure upon your ability to inspire others to work with you. They will follow your lead when they have confidence in you and when they know they will share in your success. Few of us are good enough or lucky enough to achieve great success completely on our own. We need others to help us. When we give more in return than we ever ask of our friends and associates, not only will we be able to accomplish much more in life, but it will also make the entire experience much more enjoyable.

  • Napoleon Hill’s Thought for the Day

    ** The surest way to promote yourself is to help others get ahead.

    ** When you go out of your way to help others get ahead, it is inevitable that they will reciprocate. When you genuinely wish others well, even though you may feel a little envious that they are advancing faster than you or gaining more recognition, they will respond accordingly. Your good deeds will encourage them to do likewise. You may never know how many people have recommended you for a ob, or a promotion, or helped you in some other way because you aided them when they needed it most.

  • ** Napoleon Hill’s Thought for the Day

    ** If you have something you don’t need, give it to someone who needs it. It will come back to you in one way or another.

    ** You know by now how important it is to offer service freely to your community without expecting anything specific in return. And you also know how important the intangible personal benefits of self-respect and inspiration accompany such action.


    ** However, it is also true that rendering a public service affects the values of your community. Your actions are a quiet but steadfast signal to others of the importance of involvement, a sign that success does not require heartless devotion to a cause and a reminder of the personal satisfaction you gain from your labor. You will find that you inspire others to take similar actions in different areas, creating a ripple effect far beyond what you alone can do. The community in which you live will become a better place, and you will be happier being a part of it.

  • Napoleon Hill’s Thought for the Day

    ** Don't be satisfied with being good at your job. be the best, and you'll be indispensable.

    ** Experts have consistently found that after a certain point, money ceases to be a motivator. Even though you may not yet have reached that point, if you are honest with yourself, you will probably find that money is only one of many considerations. When asked if they would continue doing what they do even though it didn’t pay well, most highly successful people reply, “Absolutely, I wouldn’t change a thing. I love what I’m doing.” One of the surest ways to climb the ladder of success is to choose a job that you would do even if you didn’t earn much at it. When you are working because you like what you do, the money will follow. You will become such a rare commodity that others will compete for your services—and pay you handsomely for them.

  • “Remember how long you’ve been putting this off, how many extensions the gods gave you, and you didn’t use them.”

  • Napoleon Hill’s Thought for the Day

    ** The man who does his job precisely as he would do it if he owned the business may see the day when he will own that business or a better one.

    ** The best-managed companies are those in which management creates opportunities for employees to own a piece of the business through various types of stock-ownership programs. Management has found that when individual employees are also owners, they are more loyal, more creative, and more cost-conscious. They also work harder and are more responsive to customers. If you have the opportunity to participate in employee stock programs, do so. If possible, extend the same opportunity to your employees. If such programs are not available to you, conduct yourself as though you were already an owner, and sooner or later you will be. It is inevitable that when you think like an owner, you will eventually become one.

  • Napoleon Hill’s Thought for the Day

    ** Those who do no more than they are paid for have no real basis for requesting more pay because they are already getting all they deserve to earn.

    ** If you look around you, it will be apparent that there are two types of people in the world: There are those who say, “When this company decides to pay me what I’m worth, then I will do what they want me to do.” The second is the person who says, “I’m going to be the best I can be because that’s the kind of person I am. I also know that if I consistently give more than expected, I will eventually be rewarded for my efforts.” It is easy to see that the positive person contributes most to the organization. Yet, very few people are willing to make the sacrifices necessary to achieve success. Make sure you’re a member of that group.

  • Napoleon Hill’s Thought for the Day

    ** Only the highway of useful service leads to the city of happiness.

    ** Psychologists who study human behavior have concluded that we are happiest when we are striving to achieve success. It is the act of striving, not the successful completion of the task, that provides the greatest psychic rewards. When you strive to achieve success through service to others, you multiply the benefits to yourself, and you ensure that whatever road you choose in life will ultimately lead you to success and happiness.

    ** There is no occupation or profession that will not benefit from a concerted effort to better serve others. But the greatest benefit will be to you, in the form of the self-satisfaction that comes from knowing that you made a difference, that without you others would never have received the service you provided.

  • Napoleon Hill’s Thought for the Day

    ** The richest persons are those who give most in service to others.

    ** Financial wealth is only one measure of success. The truly happy and successful individual is the man or woman who is healthy, financially secure, challenged in his or her career, and is making a difference in the lives of others. It isn’t always easy to render service to others. The world is a cynical and dangerous place where others are likely to mistrust your motives. They can be convinced only by consistent, sustained, outstanding service that is enthusiastically and cheerfully offered. In time, even the most cynical individual will come to accept your willingness to go the extra mile if you are sincere in your offers of assistance and in the service you provide.

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