A good reflection on the subject.
Napoleon Hill's Thought for the Day:
** You never know who your real friends are until adversity overtakes you and you need cooperation.
Everybody loves a winner, it has been said, but nobody knows you when you’re down and out. One of the often unappreciated benefits of adversity is that it accelerates the process of identifying your true friends. Most of us have many acquaintances and associates, but we are fortunate to have a handful of real friends. You will very quickly identify yours when you ask them for help. The wise individual is the one who, when asked for assistance, recognizes that he may one day find himself in the same situation.
* Napoleon Hill’s Thought for the Day
** When adversity overtakes you, it pays to be thankful it was not worse instead of worrying over your misfortune.
There are few things in life that are as bad as they seem at first. Dealing with adversity begins with analyzing and accepting your situation for what it is. When you realize that things are not nearly as bad as they might have been, you have taken the first step toward working your way through the problem. It is a truism that you will never be asked to carry a heavier load than you can bear, but it sometimes helps you better appreciate that fact if you volunteer some of your time to help those who are less fortunate than you are.
Napoleon Hill’s Thought for the Day
** A negative mind never attracts happiness or material success, but it will attract their opposites.
** You may trick yourself into believing that you are only playing devil’s advocate or searching for weakness in apparently good ideas, but in the end negative thinking always produces negative results. Just as your mind will work tirelessly to translate your positive thought into their physical equivalent, it will work equally hard to create negative results when all of your thoughts are negative.
** Napoleon Hill’s Thought for the Day
** If you know your own mind, you know enough to keep it always positive.
** You may not fully understand the complex process that causes electricity to be generated and transmitted to your home. But you understand very well how to apply and use it to illuminate your home, power your computer, and perform hundreds of other essential tasks. The same is true of your mind. No one understands the incredibly complex workings of the brain; we know only that when we use our mind in a certain way, we achieve a desired result. If we think positively, we achieve positive results.
Napoleon Hill’s Thought for the Day
** The keenest minds are the ones that have been whetted by practical experience.
** Theoretical knowledge without practical experience might be compared to a large mass of undirected energy. Until it is focused, it is difficult to direct the energy to a useful end. Practical experience is the lens through which the energy of knowledge may be focused and directed toward activities that will provide the greatest benefits.
** When you learn new concepts or have an idea a that has not yet been tested, make it a practice to think through its application carefully before implementation When you have considered the possibilities, and it still seems to be a good idea—get into action. The only way to get practical experience is to get to work executing your idea.
Napoleon Hill’s Thought for the Day
** Remember the mind grows stronger through use. Struggle makes power.
** Napoleon Hill liked to tell a story about his grandfather, a wagon builder in North Carolina. When the old man cleaned the land for cultivation, he always left a few oak trees in the middle of the field at the mercy of the elements, unsheltered by other trees in the forest. It was from those trees that his grandfather made the wagon wheels. Because they were forced to struggle against the fury of nature, they grew strong enough to bear the heaviest load.
** Welcome difficult challenges, for the greatest opportunities will come from challenges that force you to expand your mind as you search for creative solutions During life’s bleakest hours, take solace in the fact that you are strengthening yourself through struggle so that in the future you will be prepared to take on even greater challenges. Like the old oak tree, you grow strong only when you are forced to struggle.
Napoleon Hill’s Thought for the Day
** The imagination is the workshop of the soul, where are shaped all the plans for individual achievement.
** Before building anything worthwhile, you must create it in your mind. Physical limitations or boundaries do not constrain your mind. In the workshop of your mind, you can visualize things that have never been. It is said that Albert Einstein visualized how the universe might look if he were riding a beam of light through infinity. Then, he worked out the mathematics to support his theory of relativity. You can use the power of your imagination to visualize solutions to complex problems, develop new ideas, and see yourself achieving the goals you have set for yourself.
Napoleon Hill’s Thought for the Day
** Clarence Saunders made missions by borrowing the self-help cafeteria idea for the grocery businesses and naming it Piggly Wiggly. Imagination pays!
** The founder of Piggly Wiggly grocery chain was a low-level employee in a corner grocery store when he visited a cafeteria and got the idea that the same techniques could be applied to the grocery business. He was ridiculed by experts, but he was convinced that the idea was a good one. Saunders persevered, and his adaption of the self-service idea to the grocery business led him to become the father of the modern supermarket.
** It is often true that a great idea alone is not enough to achieve success. Implementation may require as much as or more imagination than coming up with the idea originally. Those who study such things, however, report that when you have a really good idea, even if you can’t prove it, you will intuitively know that it is good. If you’re convinced, stick with it. Others will eventually recognize the value of your idea.
Napoleon Hill’s Thought for the Day
** The greatest of all success rules is this: Do unto others as you would if you were the others.
** The Golden Rule is more than a principle of ethical behavior; it is a dynamic force that can work good in the lives of untold numbers of people. When you make it a practice to treat others as though you were the others, you spread goodwill among people who, in turn, may be moved to do the same. By their actions, they influence still more people, who generate goodwill among even more people. This force for goodwill increases exponentially and will return to you from totally new sources. The benefit you receive from a good deed performed today by a total stranger may have been a chain reaction from long ago when you observed the Golden Rule in your own dealings with another.
Napoleon Hill’s Thought for the Day
** The chances are that your job likes you precisely as much as you like it, but no more.
** You are the world’s greatest expert on your job, and you can make it into what you choose. You may have a job description, but there are few jobs in the world that come with detailed instructions. A job description simply provides a foundation upon which you may build the perfect job for yourself. When you give generously to it, a job responds with a full measure of satisfaction, personal growth, financial rewards, and promise for the future.
** If you are in a job you absolutely hate, and you have considered all the alternatives and decided that you will never like your job, find something else. But if you, like most people, dislike a few things about your work, but on balance believe you have a pretty good position, get busy making it the greatest job in the world. In your career, as in life, you get in direct proportion to what you give.